What can I do to stop drinking pop?!


What can I do to stop drinking pop?

Try to drink alot of water or try the kool-aid singles it is so easy just open the single pack and put it in a bottled water they are so good! Or if you don't like kool aid then try sweet tea it's easy to make and alot cheaper then pop! Good Luck!

First switch to iced tea or lemonade and then Kool-Aid ... then water or coffee


just do it !

I started drinking flavored sparking water. The one I buy has splenda in it instead of sugar or aspertame. Its carbonated so it reminds me of soda. I was drinking way too much soda, this has really helped ween me off of it.

don't buy soda! have it completely outlawed at your household.

then you'll be force to drink other stuff.

if you are trying to avoid all the sugar, switch to bottled water and add one of the many types of singles products. if your addicted to the fizz, try sparkling water with a twist of lemon or lime. watch the sparkling water though. if you just want water, be sure it does not say sparkling water beverage. the beverage has artificial sweeteners

You will not quit drinking sodas until you decide to quit. It's like anything else. Are you addicted to the rush of the sugar and caffeine? You may need to cut back gradually. The best way that I found to cut out sodas, completely, was to not purchase them. Instead, I purchase bottled water by the case and a variety of diet green teas. I stock my refrigerator full so that they are easily accessible. When there is something else to grab, you are less tempted to grab a soda. Stock up on the crystal lite singles, these are good. Someone mentioned the Kool-Aid singles, those are good, too!

I used to drink about a 2 liter of Mt. Dew a day. I was addicted to the sugar and the caffeine. I did it one step at a time. I first gave up as much caffeine (limiting intake), then I gave up caffeine completely- I drank Sprite, Sierra Mist, etc. I then reduced that and switched to juices, etc, and then to milk/water. I noticed I still craved sugary things, but if I have sugar free jello or a glass of juice, it curbs it. Right now I'm drinking blueberry juice. I've been 'caffeine free' for the last 7 years. I tried a mt dew not too long ago, and I hated it.

Is there supposed to be a comma after drinking?

Expand your horizons. How about fruit juices. Ther are many many available.

Oh to stop drinking sodas again!! I am on day 3 of no pepsi. Go me!

About 7 years ago after having a lot of kidney pain my doctor told me to give her just one week with no sodas. Since I drank 3 or more 32 oz glasses of pepsi a day I didn't think I would be able to do it.

I bought a 32 oz bottle of water and kept it on my desk at work. Every time I craved a pepsi (which was very often) I would drink a few swallows of water. Every time the bottle was almost empty I would walk to the water cooler and fill it up. Sometimes I would drink 7 of them a day.

At the end of 1 week of only water to drink I not only felt 100% better but I had lost weight as well.

I stayed off pepsi for about 4 years and then stupidly, like an alcoholic, thought I could have "Just one" without getting addicted again. Silly me. I'm now working toward stopping again.

Good Luck!

You have to stop buying it and drink lot's of water. I also love pure leaf tea.

Don't buy it. If its not in your home then you won't be tempted to drink it. Have bottles of water, and those easy to make lemonades,kool-aids where you just add water.

I used to be a big pop drinker and i've cut it out....well i'm drinking much less...i'll go for a bottle of water than a pop but every once in a while i will drink one....but not very often.

quit buying it and quit asking for it.
stick with tea or lemonade and alot of will power

Are u referring to Passion Pop? lol
the only way to stop drinkin that is by lifting ur standards lol n forkin out a bit more money for quality alcohol lol
gud luck hope u can kick ur addiction lol

Drink beer at least you'll catch a buzz.

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