Should Canadians teach Americans how to make beer?!


Should Canadians teach Americans how to make beer?

yes canadian beer is far superior to american swill

I don't know. I've always thought the brewer's art is to turn water into beer and not vice versa... just look at how the Canadians have screrwed up whiskey... do you really want to trust them with teaching Americans how to brew beer.

No, Germans should

Yes once they find out for themselves!!

No..... NO need!

sorry i dont now

American brewers know how to make beer. The problem is they are more interested in making money than making good beer.

NO! Americans have some great breweries. The problem is, you are referring to all the macro-swill that is popular in America and Canada. Dig deeper and go to GOOD BEER STORES and you can find quality beer from both countries. Unibroue makes some of the best Belgian style ales outside of Belgium, but so does Ommegang.

What the americans & canadians call beer, gives us a good laugh in europe. European beer is in another legaue.

YES!!!!! there are Lot's of countries that make good beer, but being from Canada, traveling to the states and having their beer i must say American beer on average tastes like water. Americans have Budweiser and so does Canada, but the same brand is regionally brewed. Canadian bud is much stronger and tastier! although bud isn't my favorite beer next to some of our Canadian brewed beer.

not to mention how many delish' micro brewery's we have. ( i have also tried regional micro brewed American beer)

have any Americans sat down at a table and drank with a Canadian (a seasoned drinker)? I'm sure we could drink lot's of Americans under the table! i have seen it happen.....

In the inexpensive lager category, Canada is fantastic. Labatt and Molson beat Bud, Miller and Coors.

But go find these U.S. breweries and do some tasting:

Dark Horse
Jolly Pumpkin
Three Floyds
Russian River
Great Divide
Dogfish Head

Then you'll be able to answer the question on your own. U.S. microbrews are the best in the world, in my opinion, and those of countless beer enthusiasts.

Well Canadians (Molson) owns Coors. Coors is crap, so I guess no. There is enough crap beer in the US we don't need anymore.

I haven't had ANY Canadian microbrew so I can only say this.

Tear down the Molson and Labbatts breweries and than pass a law assuring they will never be made again, Then we'll talk about what canadians can teach Americans.

Until that happens,.....

Sam Adams
Long Trail
Dogfish Head
Newport Storm

All American, All Good...Nuff said.

Now take off and go play hockey!!...........Hoser!

No they shouldn't.. nothing wrong with diversity. If you think Canadian beer is so much better, I would just say you're biased. You're using domestic american beer as a comparison.. The only domestic I drink is Yuengling. I prefer Belgian ales myself.. Corsendonk, Delirium, Guldendraak is the finest belgian brown ale there is.. hands down! I don't like the knockoff 'belgian ales' that Unibroue makes. (Which is Canadian..btw) They don't have the climate with the natural yeast in the air to make it right! That's why Belgian ales should be left to the Belgians! Some great micro-breweries were listed above... Bell's is one of my favorites. I didn't see anyone mention Stone Brewery out of San Diego (they make the arrogant bastard and double bastard but their Stone IPA is incredible). Red Hook out of Washington state.. again great IPA .. especially if you can find the cask conditioned IPA. Rogue out of Oregon is another!

You can attempt to draw comparisons all you want.. it's debatable either way.. I enjoy the varieties that are available from all over the world. And i'll take that challenge from any Canadian who wants to sit down and 'drink me under the table'. I get international clientele in my bar all the time due to the companies in this city... so it wouldn't be the first Canadian or even European i've drank under the table.

What good does it DO to ask for opinions like this???
Most of the heavy beers like mentioned here taste like buffalo p to me... some have caused me to spit them out and pass it over to some nerd laughing at me.
Food and drink is ment to be fun and a pleasure.

No!!! **** No!!! A man could get his *** kicked for saying something like that. As far as mass distributed beer goes Sam Adams holds the crown. I still like my micro brews better but if I'm going to a gas station,grocery store,or regular liquor store it's Boston Lager all day baby!!! you know what I'm talkin aBoot hoser.

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