Have you given up drinking alcohol and was it hard to do for you?!


Have you given up drinking alcohol and was it hard to do for you?


Yessireee. I gave up drinking 18 years ago. Quitting wasn't the hard part - getting to the point where I admitted alcohol was killing me and my life was the battle. Looking back it is amazing how much crud I did before I'd accept my addiction, but that is also the nature of the disease. But, sobriety is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me and I am so grateful for it! I go to AA and did from the start, and unlike many misconceptions, it is such a happy place and so supportive. I'm also glad to be an alcoholic (recovering!) for many reasons - I experienced so many things that have made me stronger today! Good luck!

18 years of sobriety

It appears you answered your own question , so why ask it here

Yeah, I gave it up on Thursday...wasn;t hard at all. I enjoyed my drink last night even more.

I gave up drinking alcohol a few years ago, and for me it was dead easy. I simply didn't feel like drinking anymore, and have never wanted to again. I guess somehow I just lost the taste for it. I am sure there are not too many people who have it that easy though. A lot of my friends have tried, and have really battled with still wanting it. I just wish I could lose the taste for smoking that easily!

It was hard for me to like beers, because of their lousy taste.

Yes and yes. It's hard to give up anything that has become a habit, especially one as damaging as alcohol. But you have to decide what you want in your life: Do you want to be in some drunken haze, feeling crappy all of the time or do you want to have at least your dignity. Get whatever support you feel you need to keep focused on your goal of not drinking. Use 12-Step if that works for you or go online and look at alternative secular approaches. Just remember, it all starts with you.

like anything else, you have to truly want to give it up. no program, no friggin twelve steps, none of that crap will ever make you WANT to give up. getting hung over from just a few drinks made me cut way back. now i just brew my own and enjoy the taste more.

yes.....and yes. I have always loved having a cocktail. beer at picnics, margaritas with the girls....and so on. I had to quit because of medication I am on. It makes me violentlly sick. I decided being healthy is better. If I have a special occasion I plan it accordingly(anniversary, glass of champagne kind of thing).

I quit beer when I was pregnant. had to do that 3 times. it wasn't hard. I just naturally lost the taste for beer plus the fact of the baby's health tends to lay heavy on the brain.
Nowadays--I am a weekend alcoholic. I think I would need help if I decided to quit.

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