Beer. Great or the greatest?!


Beer. Great or the greatest?

Answers: I made the pilgrimage to Munich for an Oktoberfest many many years ago to pay homage to beer.
Yes it is the greatest when it's hot & humid out and that first gulp reminds you of an oasis in the desert. It's the greatest after shoveling snow for hours and a cup of hot coffee won’t do anything put piss you off. Beer - in the park before, during and even better after winning the ball game. Beer with the buds - don’t need say more.
I need to tell you Stephen C that beer has been present in many of the important things I’ve done in my younger life and it is near and dear to my heart. I still today sing its praises but I have to disillusion you buddy - there are other drinks in my life too. Prosecco is great. Rum, grappa, aguardiente, tequila, Spanish brandy, vodka - well you’ll find some great ones if you scratch the surface.

“I love Beer, it makes me a jolly good fellow.
I like Beer, it helps me unwind and sometimes it makes me mellow.
Whiskey's to rough, champagne costs too much, and vodka puts my mouth in gear.”
By the way - who wrote this song? I don't drink! I 've seen too many people flip out over the stuff. They can't walk or talk. Who wants too be like that. Sure I know if you just drink one or two. Some how it cuz you to keep drinking. 3,4,5,6,7, day after day. No Thanks!! I tasted it once, just a sip and I can still taste it even now, and never want that in my mouth ever again it tasted so terrible... oh and also I can barely afford everything that I need now, I dont know how i could support an alchohol addiction. Albeta Breweries, Turbo Dog! The oldest known recipe in history is for making beer. It is the most popular beverage known to man, and has been enjoyed by virtually every society since the dawn of man. I like this question.
I'm going to have to say "great" because I still like Tennessee whiskey better. Beer great, vodka the greatest. From the barrel or bottle a great drink. Ruined by tins and pressurised casks.

Real Ale contains vitamins, antioxidants and even a spot of roughage - almost a health drink. It is also more filling and harder to get drunk on than, for example, cheap bottled and canned lager.

I'll take beer first, or red wine depending on the situation. Malt Whisky for special occasions ! Beer is great, bourbon is better but the greatest is a good single malt scotch whiskey Rain and Applebee - F-off. If you don't like drinking then why do you answer drinking questions?

As for the question, beer is the greatest. As long as it ain't Bud, Miller or Coors.

I prefer a beer with some flavor such as, Sierra Nevada, Anchor, Stone, Great Divide, Dogfish Head, Victory or Samuel Smith. I think two brands of Mexican made good beers are great but the New Zeland made table wines are the the greatest. BEER IS THE BEST!
I used to be a vodka girl, but drinking beer on a hot summer's day is just fantastic.
I love the Tasmanian beer - James Boags - premium, draft and St. George. The Greatest!!!

Action Bastard - That is one of the best responses I've ever read. Completey agree.

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