What drink can help u forget everything thats wrong in ur life?!


What drink can help u forget everything thats wrong in ur life?

Answers: Drink wont solve anything it will just give you a nasty hang over and your life will still be the same when you sober up. don't hide behind it .Why is your life so bad? What can you change to make it better. I am sure you must be able to find something positive even it is only tiny that has happened to you. Think positive and lots of positive things happen. A few Long Island ice teas should do it. Ah honey. No drink does that; drink is *only* for celebrating good times. Exercise more, eat well [avoid curries and stuff that's hard on the stomach] and get stomach pills. Vodka and redbull!
It's the perfect combination to get you happy, to help you have a good night, and help you forget your probs!
I constantly got p*ssed off that when I was going through a bad time, and it helped all that night, until the next morning! No drink,b'cause in the morning the problem will still be there waiting......
The only thing to help you forget is to right those wrongs if you can,or at least try to make them better. Amnesia I think a bottle of New Zeland made white wine or Greek made red wine with first letter A go with sea food and chicken can help you to forget your everything regardless of bad or good. a gallon of guinness

works every time

and its good for cleaning out any internal problems, lol

all the best
Ian Red cordial. Makes you so hyperactive, who cares if you've got problems.
Don't be such an attention seeker. This is called life, deal with it. Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster

Take the juice from one bottle of that Ol' Janx Spirit.
Pour into it one measure of water from the seas of Santraginus V.
Allow three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (it must be properly iced or the benzene is lost).
Allow four litres of Fallian marsh gas to bubble through it.
Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qalactin Hypermint extract.
Drop in the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger.
Sprinkle Zamphuor.
Add an olive.
Drink . . . but . . . very carefully . . . Don't take any alcohol don't spoil your life.
If you want peace do yoga.
keep your body free to see paper,watched, inter-net. If you drink enough of it, practically anything alcoholic. I would, however, recommend absinthe [if its legal where you live]. If not that, try bottle of gold tequila.
You do know that you will probably only end up crying into your beer, fighting with whomever is closest, forget where you are for about an hour, then pass out and wake up with the mother of all hangovers?
Rather fix what's wrong, focus on what's right and drink to be merry. Perhaps a nice soothing 'cup of tea' to relax as you read the paper or a book, curl up on the sofa, watch your 'fav' TV show....that helps you forget everything in your life that is wrong..try it, you CAN'T go wrong!! I don't believe that there is any "drink" that can help you forget all your problems in your life, or what's wrong in your life. Believe me, I tried "drowning my sorrows" after my husband died, it just left me hung over the next day and feeling worse...
Drink some water... hydrate... that will make you feel better..! drinkingit away will work for a little awhile, then you will just be drunk and thinking about your problems...not a good mix

excercise does wonders happiness will never be found in a bottle tea. herbal teas are great.
juice or soda and video games
some water (or juice) while talking to a counselor, mentor, or a trusted individual a bottle of Old Crow

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