How many of you are MENSA people?!


How many of you are MENSA people?

Personally, I'm thick as pig siht, so I just wondered.

Answers: The Mensa tests are not a particularly good assessment of intelligence.

For a start the most commonly accepted model regarding intellect is that of the "seven Intelligences" That is to say Mensas assessment only measures Talent in a selection of these Intelligences. Hence a person with a high degree of intelligence in an area untested by MENSA's assessment would fail.

In essence its a rather silly organisation and a form of Intellectual masturbation equatable to people who complete the Times crossword and then leave it open at the page like a trophy for everyone to see. i is I used to be a member but I didnt go to any of the social events and paying the yearly fee was a waste so i dont bother any more. I am a man, how could i be mensa or mensaing. I am. Been so for years. I agree with you its pig **** don't like it at all. about 1 out of 10000 qualify My Dad was, so I has that going for me... lolol I wouldn't worry about it too much. I passed the Mensa Test some years ago, but that doesn't mean I can't still be as thick as two short planks, and dumb as a bucket of rocks from time to time. I am. I have photographic memory. I look at things and memorize them as a picture, so later I can see the exact same thing in my mind. This doesn't mean I'm smart, I'm just as an idiot as any of my peers and do stupid stuff all the time. i was invited to join and said no no no. it's a ridiculous idea and i have no interest in it, or the people who are members.

Separating people by IQ (which is only one form of intellgence) is not, in my opinion, how an 'intelligent'and civilised society operates. I'm not knocking it, but one day I saw a puzzle in a paper for it and completed it, then sent it off to them and did some of their tests. I appreciate the theory behind it- but it lacks one big aspect of intelligence for me and that is imagination(creativity).

I found it much like a maths and English test- it's ok, but barely goes past a- level standard from what I've seen of it. It's much like 'test the nation'. I am. I put it on a job application once, I got rejected because i was too intelligent! They said that I would be bored in the job and I may be unable to relate to colleagues, which was a bit rude, it made out that the people who worked there were unintelligent!

I dont really care about how intelligent I am or what my IQ is, my friends like me for who I am, not how bright I am or how many A levels i've got.

My friends think I am a bit eccentric and have odd interests, but they know they can come to me with a problem, or rely on me to get wildly drunk and humiliate myself, so I dont see it makes any difference to them, and thats who is important to me, not what some company manager thinks.

I certainly dont brag about it, its not a big part of who I am, my personality is much more than a number, and ive definitely given up putting it on job application forms!

I kind of agree with the above sentiments from Wayne, a lot of people brag about being a MENSA member, but intelligence doesnt always equate to being a good person, and thats what matters.

And I dont do the times crossword, I find crosswords totally uninteresting.

xx I'm personally not, but I do have a very high IQ and have a very good memory. Not all intelligent people are needing/wanting a social structure to confirm their intelligence. Besides, a nerd fraternity is even below a campus fraternity IMHO. Just a point, but this is in the 'beer, wine and spirits' section.

Not to sound too harsh, but way to prove your own point...

And no, I've never taken the test. Got a high rating on a test (why - couldn't do any of the maths?) but didn't bother to join. All a lot of cod and chips almost every human has the same ability if encouraged to learn and natural diversity gives us scientists, artists, writers and muscians and so on. (not forced to learn but I repeat encouraged) The square root of the number I first thought of, relating to a four sided object can be found in this anagram


You have 10 years in which to figure out the answer I was.
Stopped many years ago because they didn't drink enough at the gatherings.
answer to charlie says is 3. I am thank you Take out the s add a t put an l at the end and you'll get where I'm coming from.

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