How to avoid a hangover/vomiting the morning after?!


How to avoid a hangover/vomiting the morning after?

I'm going to a 21st and chances are I'll be having a few drinks.

Apart from not drinking at all, what are some ways to avoid getting hungover and spewing the next day?

Answers: Eat something that has vitamin B and C such as fruit. If you are going to party at night, you should eat early dinner before you go to the party or eat while you drink. The fructose in foods will help absorb alcohol.

Take vitamins B & C. Alcohol will deplete nutrients from your body and the vitamins will help you replace what you lose from your body by drinking. Drinking orange juice, grapefruit juice, and grape juice will also help.

Eat while you drink: Try to eat while you drink if possible. Food will not only help absorb alcohol slowly, but also slow your drinking pitch down. Always order a cup of water when ordering an alcohol beverage. Water will help rehydrate your system. The more water you drink, the better solution after the night.

Order fruit cocktails. Fresh fruit juice will replace the vitamins that you lose from your body while drinking. If you know that you are not a big drinker, try cocktails with simple ingredients such as Rum and Orange Juice or Vodka and Cranberry Juice etc.

Never drink too fast. Drink as slow as possible. When you feel fine (meaning when you can tell or cannot tell that alcohol starts changing your behavior, thinking, and sight etc.), you should stop drinking alcohol and drink water. If the party goes longer than you expected, order some fruit juice.

Drink Water: before going to bed, drink water. Do not drink coffee. Coffee will help dehydration. Take some vitamins before going to bed.

Despite all the things that you could do to avoid a hangover before you drink and as you drink, if you still get a hangover, you are not trying enough. Think about what went wrong and learn from your experience. And remember, drinking is supposed to be fun! Not to throw up at the end of the night. Eat a good meal after drinking EAT before you start drinking.


Drink WATER WATER WATER before you go to bed and have a HUGE glass beside the bed for during the night. Hangovers are caused primarily by dehydration. Drinking plenty of water before drinking alcohol and before going to bed has been the best hangover prevention method I have discovered. Water, water, water. Your heads hurts because you're DEHYDRATED. Mix your liquor with water or juice. Avoid greasy fatty foods before and during your night to prevent the upset tummy. Have fun! Hydrate your body, drink some water to help your liver process the alcohol. The more you can pee, the more you are eliminating the alcohol build up in your system.
It would be a good idea to get some food on your stomach sometime during the time you are drinking.

Have fun and good luck with the hangover. Eat before you go - and if you feel up to it eat when you come home (preferably something with good absorbing material like rice or potatoes) Milk is also good. At the very least take some aspirin or Tylenol and drink as much water as you can. 1. pace yourself - one drink/hour
2. alternate a glass of water for every drink you have
3. eat periodically and at the end of the night
4. force yourself to puke that evening before you go to bed
5. don't mix beverages
6. stay away from shots of booze
7. don't wake up next to your friend's mom 1. Eat a good meal before you start drinking.
2. Drink water during the night, or at least have a glass or two before going to bed.
3. Pace yourself!
4. Stick to one type of liquor or beer.
And you should probably avoid shots if you aren't used to drinking.

Have fun and be safe! chances are if you eat after you have been drinking ya gonna spew, unless you know when to stop,which some people don't. Take it from me,stop when you feel the buzz, if you do that you should be ok. make sure u eat real good especially bread before drinking and after something salty or some hot chips and drink a sprite for me hello.when i know i am gonna drink, i eat a lil something like a sandwich and chips beforehand. if u eat too much u wont get drunk, just sick. then in between, not just before, i drink water, powerade, or gatorade. the key really is to stay hydrated. i am an occasional drinker and i have been drunk on several occasions and i dont even know what a hangover feels like. have fun and be careful! friends dont let friends drive drunk! First off, before you go out, be sure to eat something. (Pasta dishes, hoagies, fast food are usually good starts. Helps line your stomach.) Be sure to drink water too. You can also try taking a Pepcid before you drink. My pharmacist told me about this. It's helps with the morning after stomach woes.

Over the course of the night, try to drink some water in between drinks (easier said than done). Also don't mix too many different things. If you're drinking light, fruitier drinks, stick with those. Don't jump into creamier drinks or whiskey. Try to keep your drinks similar. One night I went from smirnoff ice (sweet and heavy) to appletinis(really strong vodka+sour apple) to god only knows how many sex on the beach(again incredibly sweet...too sweet almost). I had never been so sick from drinking as I was that night. To this day, I still can't drink sex on the beach.

When you're done drinking, drink a sports drink like Gatorade, Propel, etc or if you can't stomach it, go for water. Some people feel better with food in their stomach after drinking, so you could also try eating too before you pass out.

The next morning, keep drinking fluids, take a multivitamin, and a psuedofed(sp?). Sudofed helps with the headache (again...tip from the pharmacist). Dehydration is what keeps you feeling sick. Another thing I've learned is that sometimes you may still feel nauseous but you need to eat something to get past it. I wouldn't go for anything too heavy though. (Pretzels are usually safe.) Decide what you are going to drink and do not drink anything else that night. No shots, no other drinks. When you mix the booze and beer, that is when you will get your worst hangover. Trust me I know. And buy some Diet Coke. Grab one of those in the morning when you wake up. Then you should be just fine. Eat a meal with a fair amount of grease before and after drinking. The key is to not eat too much. If you do, you will feel too full to drink, or will have an upset stomach. Also, before you go to bed, drink as much water as you can and take a couple advil. When you wake up in the morning, begin drinking water stat. And then as soon as possible, eat something greasy like a breakfast burrito or cheeseburger. If you really do a good job and are smashed and feeling green in the morning, this may be the last thing that you want to do. But do it! It will save you. Drink water, eat, and then lay low or even sleep. Usually the second time you wake up you'll feel much better, although maybe the synapses won't be firing at normal speed. If you do have Jaegermeister, do it early in the night and not too much of it- it's the devil. That's because it is sweet. If you stick to drinks that are mostly vodka or just shots of vodka, you'll be in good shape. Vodka is a "clean" alcohol as evidenced by its clarity. Others like whisky and rum are too sweet. I've never drunk so much and felt good in the morning as I have with vodka. Have a good meal with a startch like bread or potatoes at least 30 min before. Pick what you like and stick with it for the night. Don't mix beer/wine/hard liquor. Eat some snacks durring the evening. Drink as much water as you can hole right before bed with a couple asprin. Limit yourself to one drink per hour. The liver metabolizes alcohol at the rate of about 1 oz. (@ 90 proof) per hour. That works out to about one beer, one glass of wine, one mixed drink, or one shot per hour.

In other words, limit yourself to "having a few drinks" and you should be fine. Just be sure to have a designated driver. Before you go, drink lots of water..and eat... then for every alcoholic drink you have, drink a glass of water after... it doesn't hurt to eat during drinking either.. anything with bread usually helps.. but make sure you eat after you've been drinking (if you weren't eating during) My friends and I always go to Taco Bell and get tacos and stuff.. it seems to really help! Also, right before going to bed, take a couple aspirin with a glass of water. I usually wake up the next day and feel wonderful!!

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