Drunk and...hungover?!


Drunk and...hungover?

Ok I blame myself,I know I deserve it,I hit the clubs for the *first* time and allowed my friends to take me too far. (thanks guys)
2 bottles of alcopop (vodka at 5%)
1 Vodka + coke,no idea how high the alcohol content was,probably around the same.
3 glasses of the offending alcopop (same amount)

It's been about 1 and a half hr,so far my symptoms are looking paler than normal (did have red eyes which have now mostly cleared)
A light headed feeling + impaired co-ordination (also mostly cleared)
Much to my friends amusment I can still hop from one foot to the other,without losing my balance and reciting the alphabet though ^.^;;

I am fully expecting a hangover,I have drunk a fair bit of water (hoping it flushes some of the toxins) but any other advice to either ease or eliminate the symptoms? (when they hit)
(And yes i'll remember to be a bit more careful next time,once bitten twice shy)

Start drinking Gatorade NOW; the extra water you're drinking is flushing toxins, but it's also flushing salts, and you need to keep those balanced to stave off a hangover. If you don't have that handy, you can mix salt and baking soda, and drink it down in water - not very tasty, but it will help.

You write very well for being drunk! You should write a book. Amazing....

dunno, but I saw a lot of Alkeseltzer (spelling's off, I know) in the bags when my dad and uncles went to the races for the weekend. Maybe try that?

Rest is the only cure for a hangover,get up pop a couple of ibuprofren and go back to bed.

Next time try drinking LOTS of water WHILE you are drinking. Good for avoiding hangovers. For the moment I'd keep drinkin water if I were you.

Take 3 advil before going to bed, and wash down with a bottle of water.

In the morning....scrambled eggs with cheese. There is an enzyme in the eggs that will take care of a hangover.

Eat a some bread or toast and a glass of milk, then lay down.

As a bartender for three years, i can guarantee you there was probably not a lot of alcohol in the vodka and coke. If you were doing a lot of shots or bombs, then you will have a horrible morning. Whatever you do, don't take any pain medication. Your liver has already had a tough time trying to expel the liquor. Just keep a lot of water next to your bed and drink that often.

Try the advice above. If you're still hungover when you wake up, slowly sip a couple of ice cold beers and go back to bed. You'll awake refreshened.

Eat a meal, drink a lot of water and take some advil before bed. Get a good night's sleep, eat breakfast, drink more water and take more advil.

make yourself throw up. i'm not promoting doing so all of the time, but it'll get the alcohol out of your system and your head won't feel like a jackhammer's in it the next morning.

then drink a ton of water. then have a painkiller and some soup when you wake up

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