Is it OK to have three beers for breakfast on a Sunday if you still make it to work on time?!


Is it OK to have three beers for breakfast on a Sunday if you still make it to work on time?

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2 days ago
My employer is me.

Answers: 2 days ago
My employer is me. if you need to drink before work you probally are an alcoholic in denial , i would suggest you call alcoholics anomynous , they can tell you were there are meetings in your area.i wouldnt wait untell you hit rock bottom (getting fired for drinking , getting a DUI for driving, ect)but if your an adult i guess you can do whatever you want no Mel Gibson used to drink a 6 pack when he got up every morning, so i guess that makes it A-OH-Kay As long as you get to work at all...who cares, what you do on your own time is your business... Sometimes I am astounded at the questions brought forth. Is there any reason WHY you would want to have a few beers with breakfast and then go to work? After work would be a much better choice for you and your fair to both of you. sure, just make sure that it doesn't smell on your breath and that you can drive haha! I agree. I think its ok. Just 3?Do you work at a bar??? As long as someone else drives you to work. Yes, is it okay to smoke 2 joints on sunday if you still make it to work on time? I don't think it a wise thing to drinl and then go to work. What if something happens and you get hurt thenthey would want to drug test you and having alcohol in your system will cause you to lose your job. So I say don't drink unless you don't have tyo work today!!! If you want to lose your job Can we say Alcoholic.... Go for it, You owe it to yourself.... IF you realluy need to ask this question --- \
then God HELP you!!!

Alcoholics Anonymous: just three? thats a teaser for me As long as you have "One more for desert!". how will you drive with 3 beers on your system? Yes Ok; though 4 beers would be better as then you probably think, damm work stay home. Though this canot be full-time occupation. no I'm not going to say I haven't done that before, but I'm a bartender.....Do what ya gotta do..consequences will come later...but at least you'll feel good today!!! YES

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