I need a good web site for info on wines.?!
I need a good web site for info on wines.?
I am going away in a few months. I have looked at their wine list but I have not heard of most of them. Is there a web site that will tell me about the wine. ie. how dry/sweet taste
I have been looking but I can not seem to find a good site.
Answers: Wine Spectator has a web site that is well known. Wine Spectator is a magazine that rates wine, and they have a big database. It is a paid service.
If I had more information, I probably could give you more information:
You note you are going away. How is that important? Are you going to a wine region and where?
Are you looking to buy a lot of wine, and then taking it home?
Is the wine you want is something you want to purchase locally, and take with you? If so, then I would skip the web and go to a store that specialize in only wine. Ask for help and test them out. A lot of stuff you can read about is not available to purchase. wikipedia.org very good for everything lol I like fineliving.com
It has info on all different kinds of wine by region, type, etc...
Also, epicurios.com is pretty informative Wine spectator.com