How many beers do you drink on a heavy drinking night(college)?!
How many beers do you drink on a heavy drinking night(college)?
Answers: Danny - I have read the comments to your question and they are all posted by a bunch of do-gooders. College is the time to explore how you want your life to go.
Sure, not drinking is the acedemically correct thing to do. Get good grades and all that crap. College is the time to experiment and socialize. You have to determine whether you are a social drinker or an alcoholic. Booze it up a few times and see if you can function the next day. If you can, push the bar higher the next time you party. If not, dial it back a couple of beers or so. If you are a complete mess the next day, maybe drinking isn't your thing.
I began drinking in high school so by college I had some experience. There were some nights when my schedule called for no drinking. There were other nights when a case of beer was in order. You have to determine what is good for you based on your tolerance and what you can function on the next day. zero about 10, but more then one is too many. i attend WSU (Wazzu) on a normal weekday i drink about 6 beers a night and then on heavy drinking nights i might finish an 18 pack to myself, at least a 12 pack easily. honestly where i went and one of the reasons i dont got there anymore is because we drank all the was normal for a guy to finish off an eighteen pack and i know at one point i could handle twelve by myself as a really varies though on your size and your tolerance each his retrospect it was all really dumb well i did not drink in college, i was in the service,.....but during that time i would drink about a case or a little more,.....then the next day i would work my @$$ off,.....always got good evaluations,.....wonder how i would have done if i had not drank?,..... Well actually recently i have reduced drinking and i can drink like 4-5 beers maximum. I don't drink more first because i get drunk more easily and 4-5 beer would be enough for me to get drunk and second - beer makes me pee every 5 minutes. one case of beer how many beers is 1.75L of rum equivalent to?
but this was Wednesday night high school drinking. I'm pretty sure I single-handedly funded that Harvard binge drinking study.