I want to fill a bathtub with JD and jump in. is this kind of weird?!
I want to fill a bathtub with JD and jump in. is this kind of weird?
Answers: Yes, for a girl, apparently u have a drinking problem or u want to drown ur sorrows in alcohol. Either way, it`s not good but whatever floats ur boat or in this case, ur bottles.............. Yep. But you only live once, so I say go for it.
Don't try to drink your way out though. That could get dangerous. Hell No thats not weird..you sound perfect normal and well adjusted.
Now myself...I have a serious desire to fill my hot-tub with Cheap wine and sliced fruit..then turn the bubbles on and make a vat of Jungle Juice big enough to orgy in.
Yes..I may have a problem.;) I think a little. Hell no! I want to fill a bathtub with some Smirnoff Ice Black Cherry and enjoy the fizzing action!! WOOT! I will say, Yes - it's wierd. It would also be very expensive. But who am I to say. If you can afford the Jack and this is something you want to do, then go for it. no, can i join you? Not weird, just Very expensive!