What kind of glass should i use for stout beer?!
What kind of glass should i use for stout beer?
Answers: Depends on what kind of Stout. Personally, I wouldn't use an iced or chilled glass, that will only cause excessive condensation and water down your beer, you don't want that.
I'd go with a snifter for an imperial stout. I'd go with a pint glass for an export stout such as Guinness. I'd go with a mug for an oatmeal/milk/sweet stout. Irish dry, English and American stouts would be a toss up between either a pint glass or mug, your choice.
Hope that helps a bit. Pint glass. A cold one. Seriously, it doesn't matter as long as it is cold. A pint glass Pilsner glasses best for all beers. Chill in refrig for a bit before filling. Pour so you have a 1/2" head of foam at top. Pint glass.
http://www.beerglasshopper.bigstep.com/i... a pint glass a pint glass or a large pilsner glass A stout glass is slightly tapered, wider at the top than the bottom but not ornately shaped. Usually a pint or a half pint. It should be frosty cold. And filled with stout. You can buy a specific "stout glass" but you can use pretty much any glass. The key is to make shure that it will hold the entire bottle with one pour. You will get a better head, better aroma, and better taste if you don't have to add more beer to your glass.