What do you do to cure a nasty hangover?? by the way i'm overage lol?!


What do you do to cure a nasty hangover?? by the way i'm overage lol?

i other day i had a mean headache and a upset stomach ( the sad part is that i wasn't even drunk just a bit tipsy lol guess i have a weak stomach)...... what do you do to get rid of a hangover??

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1 month ago
melissa it may be tuesday but you whould also celebrate after passing one of your hardest subjects with a great grade lol i never thought i would pass analitical chemistry 3

1 month ago
melissa it may be tuesday but you whould also celebrate after passing one of your hardest subjects with a great grade lol i never thought i would pass analitical chemistry 3

You were probably a bit dehydrated to begin with. The best way to cure a hangover is to prevent one in the first place. Start by drinking a large glass of water before you go out. Then drink 6-8 oz. of water after each alcoholic beverage. Finish the evening with a large glass of water before bed. Sport drinks like Gatorade also work well, but not soda pop or anything loaded with sugar. I like to make quickie Marguaritas with original flavored Gatorade. The instant powdered kind works well too, and you can adjust the strength to your taste. Enjoy!

Drink lots of water. Even when you are drinking alcohol, stop for a second and down a glass of water. It really helps. I promise.

I've found the easiest way is to just stay drunk.

Drink tomato juice with a raw egg.

Water!! Lots of it, start when you are in the drinking process, when you wake up drink more

Water, water and more water. Your body is dehydrated.

Take vitamin C, two asprin, and mix them with 16 oz.
of vodka......(that's a joke)

But seriosly, water is the tool the body needs to clean itself,
and rehydrate.

uh well my penis has been know to cure any lady of anything

my best cure from college days was to take a couple ibuprofen, a multi-vitamin, eat a hearty bagel and have a latte or coffee and take at least a 10 minute walk. I know walking is the LAST think you probably feel like doing, but it jumps starts your body's metabolism to get things flushed out. The caffiene and ibu help with the headache and the coffee makes you go to the bathroom to get it all out and the bagel is good to soak up whatever is left in your stomach!
Have fun!

Drinking makes you dehydrated, so drinking water does ease the pain of a hangover. I had a friend that always went out drinking and right before she went to bed (after a night of drinking) she would down a water bottle and she felt pretty good the next day. She always had a water bottle in her hand, and not it was not filled with anything else.

Do not drink water.

It will make you feel drunk again. Take a BC Headache powder, drink some orange juice (replaces the vitamin C you killed last night). If that doesn't work, do another BC....always works for me....

(and chickie.....it's Tuesday morning....what were you thinking?)

Okay, I would celebrate indeed....but still, trust me about the water.....a shot may be okay, but no water......Gatorade, OJ, tomato juice, etc........and go celebrate all you want.


I've always found ice-pops (or popsicles) to be an excellent cure! You get very cold hydration which speeds up your lymphatic system (to get you going again). We used alway keep em stocked in the kitchen I worked in for breakfast staff with no sense!!! Hope you feel better ;-)

"Hair of the dog" Have another drink. Works every time.

The best hangover cure is a bottle of flavoured milkshake.

Always does the trick for me, must be down to all the artificial colours and flavours or something!

It works. Try it!

I usually go to the store, get a gatorade, slam it, fill a water bottle get on my bike and ride till I puke then I drink the water and lay down in the shade and nap in the park.

drink something with caffeine for sure..i always drink a coke because i cant do coffee on an upset stomach..then eat something!! if you cant force yourself to take something down..then drink some milk...you gotta get something in your stomach to get rid of the sick feeling..and of course for the headaches...take some kind of over the counter medicine(tylenol etc.) for future reference...yes take a 2 or 3 before you get intoxicated and as many have already said..drink plenty of water!

beleive it or not the best way to kill a hangover is to drink a bloody mary.
but if you can not deal with drinking more alcohol after the hangover, then drinking tomatoe juice also helps.

The best thing to do for me is eat 2 large tablespoons of Honey. I don't know how it works, but when I bartended for seven years it always did the job.

While it's never a good idea for your liver's sake to mix painkillers and alcohol, and water is always best--the strongest painkiller I know of over the counter is Percogesic, and works for me every time. Take 2 and give it 30 minutes.

one word-GATORADE!

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