Has anyone tried Absinthe?!


Has anyone tried Absinthe?

Has anyone tried Absinthe, which I understand to be available in many supermarkets now. What are the effects of drinking it, and isn't the a specific way of drinking it?

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1 month ago
Someone stated that th supermarket version is not as strong as the proper stuff. Where can get the proper stuff and is the supermarket absinthe rubbish?

1 month ago
Just want to thank everyone for their most informative answers..you bunch of reprobates!!

1 month ago
Someone stated that th supermarket version is not as strong as the proper stuff. Where can get the proper stuff and is the supermarket absinthe rubbish?

1 month ago
Just want to thank everyone for their most informative answers..you bunch of reprobates!!

I have drank absinthe before, I do not believe it is available in USA supermartkets now but you can order it from europe like i did, it passes through customs fairly reliably.

I was a little dissapointed with the psychoactive effects, or lack of. All I felt was a little more spacey than normal and more chill. It could've been because I was sitting around a camp fire in the rain drink at 9 am.

There are traditional ways to serve absinthe, but I just used absinthe sugar and distilled water and it tasted okay. Absinthe is extremely rough on its own. The only thing harder to down at first was the polish spyritus stuff.

I got 2 bottles of absinthe from http://www.alandia.de/ they shipped very fast and the product was well packaged and labeled as printed material. It made it through customs no problem.

I heard it makes the heart grow fonder.

I have. It's ok, if you like that sort of thing.

The supermarket stuff doesn't contain the hallucinate though.

It is halusoneginic!!! When i lived on a narrowboat a mate of mine cane over with a bottle, took him for a trip down the river, drank a few glasses and he was convinced he saw his boss running down the river bank naked..............

Ive tried it once. It is very strong and you do it in shooters. When I had it bars were legally only allowed to serve you 2 shots in a night. Any time you had one they stamped your hand so they know if you had any before.

you drink it like sambuka, but if you have to much you get visited by the green fairy.

My mates once had to much and saw her, they haven't been the same since.

i dont like it- its awful stuff- someone told me that it crystalizes in your stomach and can give you a stomach ulcer- i dunno if this is true or not though

Unless you have a very strong stomach you probably won't be able to cope with it.

strong stuff, mind your eyes.

sugar on a teaspoon, soak in absinthe, light it, let the sugar melt and chuck it into your shot, drink quickly.

I've never tried it, but I know the version available to us is definitely not as strong as the stuff Van Gogh famously used to drink!

ive tryed it definatly very strong stuff not suppose to drink to much of it can make you very ill

Ah, the green fairy! Yes, you can get versions of it across the counter, although the really hallucinogenic stuff, with high concentrations of wormwood, is only available on-line.

You can get special glasses, or take it with cold water poured into the absinthe over a spoonful or lump of sugar.

It tastes a little like Pernod. I've got quite a taste for it, but even without the effects of the wormwood, it is much stronger than most drinks and should be taken in moderation.

be careful you don't wake up next morning minus an ear and having slashed all yesterday's canvases!

Be careful - make sure you are not near any water, as all of the times I have tried it I tried to swim. You have to take it straight, or it will be worse. If it is your first time trying it (and it presume it is) you will most likely hallucinate.

Come on now...people need to stop hyping it up. Is it a good drink, yes. Will you completely trip out if you drink some...NO. Only large amounts consumed on a regular basis will eventually lead to some mental issues. For the occasional drinker you will only get a buzz...the rest is mental.

Personally I enjoy Czech absinthe consumed in the traditional Czech way.

Do some research and try some...it won't kill you.

Just say no, my friend. I lost two days to Lady Absinthe once. Never again. It's the reason why all those Renaissance poets went mad and killed themselves, you know.

the effects of drinking it are that you get drunk and may have a headache next day. drink it straight and absinthe isn't the same as it used to be it was made illegal in the uk for many years as it had dangerous side effects such as blindness however the stuff you can buy today doesn't have those side effects.

Yes tried it and it will knock your socks off.
There is a heated sugar method,ie you heat a tea spoon of sugar and as soon as it melts you stir it into a small tumbler of absinthe. There are a few brands out there but the one i tried had a picture of an old scribe/alchemist on it and was 70 proof. It began with the letter H. Cant recall its name.
Apparently it was banned in France for many years as it can send you a bit doolally.
Again not positive that today's has exact recipe,so hopefully you wont end up in the nut house.
It was a long time ago and it was very expensive and as far as i can recall i wasn't too keen on the morning after.
Hope this has been of some help.....Think it may of been something like Hermann's or similar name.

Yes. As far as I know, the real stuff isn't legal in the US. What you may see in a bar or store is something that is flavored similarly, but isn't the real deal. To "activate" it, you have to add water and sugar to release the wormwood oil. It as a weird taste and it seriously can make you halucinate. I tried a sip and I was honestly too scared to drink any more, but a friend of mine had a decent amount and ended up getting "drunk" beyond belief, got severly paranoid and went through a myriad of mood swings and weird behavior. It was scary. Honestly, if you are going to try the real stuff, don't do it alone and have a sober person around to keep an eye on you.

I had some home-made Absinthe at a friends wedding in Switzerland. It was served straight with optional water. It was ok and I didn't even cut my ear off! I think that the reputation is built on excess drinking of the stuff.

After the Absinthe we moved on to demolish the Malt Whiskey, gin and beer - but then we are Scottish ;)

Yeah, that newlywed couple on the cruise ship that the husband fell and disappeared and the wife doesn't remember kicking him in the crotch or what happened to him and she woke up on the floor in the hallway. That stuff sounds kookoo.
The real stuff is made from wormwood and illegal in the US. You have to buy that kind in other countries.

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