Can i drink 1 glass of champagne and NOT get drunk?!


Can i drink 1 glass of champagne and NOT get drunk?

Answers: Yes, if you are not too small in stature, and if you are used to drinking once in awhile. Yeah, just sip it. Depends on your weight,
what you have eaten before...

Probably. If you drink non-alcohol one, yes Yes... unless you are an extreme lightweight 1 glass of champagne should not make you drunk. Yes, Well how big is the glass?

nfd? Depends how big the glass is. If it's a 40 ounce monster cup, most likely you'll be feeling it, if you're talking 10 ounces or so... you won't be drunk. yes but it all depeneds on how fast you drink it and your waight I would seriously doubt that there is any circumstance in which someone would get drunk off of one glass of champagne.

Maybe MAYBE if you weighed like 80 pounds and never had a drink in your life, and even then I would seriously doubt it. I don't know,can you? Why not try? Lord knows that I could do it just fine-no amateurs here-nearly 100% irish NO champain is powerfull 1 drink and you drunk Drink it really slooow, eat before and during the drink, and you shouldn't get tipsy. why would anyone drink only 1 glass of bubbly but 1 will not get you drunk but you will feel it Yes, because a glass of champagne hasn't enough alcohol to get you drunk i guess it depends on how often you drink, but one glass shouldn't get anone totally drunk. maybe a slight buzz. drink more water than the glass simultaneously! It depends on your body's reaction to alcohol. It's just like caffine; some people are almost instantly affected by it while others can drink it all the time and not be affected. just depends on what you have eaten and how much your body can handle everyone is diffrent Sure, why not.?

Make sure its not in a glass the size of a Big Gulp though! Everyone is different personally i can't drink champagne it get's me drunk fast, but i am a bartender and have seen people drink 4 or 5 glasses and still act normal. no as the bubbles go straight the cause you to get drunk quicker You won't even get a buzz....

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