Are you really livin' the "high life" when you drink a Miller High Life?!


Are you really livin' the "high life" when you drink a Miller High Life?

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1 day ago
So what're you people sayin'? That cheap, second rate beer isn't a staple in high society?

Answers: 1 day ago
So what're you people sayin'? That cheap, second rate beer isn't a staple in high society? i don't know why everybody wants to hate on high life. that shnizz be good. you can't beat $8.53 for a 12 pack of bottles. that is, unless you go all out and get an 18 pack of Lonestar for $10. why's everybody gotta get all beer snooty and wanna drink crap that costs too much and tastes like hobo urine?...wait, hobo urine, i bet that would eff you up. i can't get drunk off a 6 pack first of all and i don't see any Leinenkugel sold by the case in my hood.

therefore, you're living the high life when you're sippin on gin and hobo piss. yesss. well maybe you are high for awhile but like all drugs you got to come down sometime. No. It takes Mary Jane to live the "high" life. no, I'm living the high life after a joint. no ofcorse not its not the best and i dont think so Ugh I hate Miller beer. I'll take a good pale ale, or hefewiessen anytime. Or even a Killians red. Mmmm. Good stuff. yeah if high life means driving a camaro, smoking camels, and living out of a trailer. no, not at all.

you're livin the high life when you're drinking Miller high life surrounded by super models that all want your beer bellied body on top of them, while jack nicholson, ted nuget and oliver stone play poker in your kitchen. did i mention it always rains fifty dollar bills in your backyard? Yes&No: YES, because the drink will make you fly high: After you suddenly find yourself [FROZEN] with the head of my SERPENT'S tongue lodged with those who dare to become {INTOXICATED} with pressure washing. I prefer a Fat Tire or Sapporo.

Man, now see what you've done! I'm about to drink again! Well, since I am the world's biggest lightweight pansy, I would certainly be living the "high life" after just one Miller High Life, but other people who can actually hold their liquor would not... Uh, Natural Lite and King Cobra are the ONLY libations that can help you attain the high life. The rest is really up to you. I don't think so it is a mine thing. Hell no. That beer is nasty. well, it IS the champagne of beers!!!! You are only living the high life if you start off as a very very low life. yes, well.. maybe I would have to be high in order to drink anything Miller brewed up. i would prefer MGD then high life...but then again i'd buy an 18 of blue ribbon for 9.98... It's not called "The Champagne of Beers" for nothing. Drink up!! I think all rich people sit around drinking Miller High Life. THey prefer really cheap beer. The fact that it tastes similar to urine is something that actually atracts these folks to it, because everyone knows rich people drink urine. Oh, and the blood of the innocent. When someone says "high life" I think

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