Getting rid of a hang-over?!


Getting rid of a hang-over?

i drank last night and only intended to have a few shots. I ended up finishing the bottle of jager. So i woke up this morining with a terrible hang over. I puked a good 6x. 3 times during the night, 1 on the side of the freeway driving to work, 1 time on the side of a 7-11. And one time at work.

Im feeling a little better. I drank some gatorade and ate some crackers. Are there any suggestions how i could possible handle the situation better if i encounter being hung-over again?

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23 hours ago
and yes i did a stupid thin by drinking on a weekday and pushin myself to work with a hang-over. Definalty not doing that again

Answers: 23 hours ago
and yes i did a stupid thin by drinking on a weekday and pushin myself to work with a hang-over. Definalty not doing that again Ugh, Jaeger of all things! Try to drink water before bed and if you remember, take a strong vitamin B complex. If not, do so when you get up. Keep drinking water and Gatorade to replenish the your liquids. Something starchy and mild, like bread, crackers or hot cereal will help settle your stomach. Pepto probably wouldn't hurt. You'll get a worse hangover from cheap wine and sweet/flavored alcohols.

Don't take aspirin. Aspirin and alcohol can cause serious liver damage. Tylenol may be the same - check the bottle before taking anything. Source(s):
used to be a bartender. If you ever drink a whole bottle of hard alcohol again, try to eat something before you go to bed (bread, leftover pizza, crackers, banana, etc.). Also drink water and take some Tylenol. Sadly, you probably won't remember to do any of that if you're really drunk. Sooo, the morning after, you should drink water (not a ton), take Tylenol and eat any of the food listed above (or even a nice big burrito). Do NOT drink coffee. That makes me puke everytime. I know its sometimes easier said than done, but maybe next time try not to drink the whole bottle. There is NO way to avoid that kind of hangover when consuming THAT much alcohol. omg that amount of ale is bound to give u a massive hangover!! (spoken from a master of hangovers), u just have to either stick it out, and cope as best as possible, or dont drink on the nite before work? at the weekend, just go for it, try and rememeber to drink some water, and have a huge fry up the next "day" spend the morning in bed! Drink a boat load over h2o b4 bed

Try that OTC stuff called "Chaser". Buy the biggest jug of gatorade to keep you hydrated. I swear by the stuff. Don't drink as much in future. It isn't good for you. Drinking lots of water and getting lots of sleep helps. Drink a Bloody Mary and an Ibuprophen. Works great! everyone has a different remedy for a hang-over...

drink a beer
tomato juice

but i guess what you can do while you're drinking is to have some bread in between...that actually helped me from not puking...

another thing is just to take it easy on the jager lol Eat lots of sauerkraut or drink sauerkraut juice. The Germans and Hungarians swear by it, and they know a thing or two about hangovers. Sauerkraut has lots of vitamin C to help process the toxins out of your system, and the vinegar it contains is absolutely awesome for soothing any kind of stomach problems, and not just for relieving hangovers. It's good to eat at the end of the night before you hit the sack. For me, a big glass of chocolate milk in the morning, then plenty of water. That should get you through the morning and after you eat lunch you should be feeling better. However, when your vomiting that much the next day, nothing can really cure it. i once asked my girlfriend for sex telling her it would cure my hangover. thank god she actually wanted me to feel better! Drink more. Hair of the dog that bit you.... To late probably, but DO NOT TAKE TYLENOL WITH A HANGOVER!! Or any time you are drinking alcohol

Here it is: alcohol + Tylenol = Destroys your kidneys/liver (one or the other, maybe both - don't recall)

And you don't want that, take aspirin

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