Jello shots?!
Jello shots?
where could i buy the little cups used for the jelloshots
we always used jus dixie cups, like u use for mouthwash n whatnot. scrape the sides (in a circular motion) with a toothpick n voila, out comes ur jello shot...happy shooting!
you could try a pharmacy- we used them in the hospitals for holding pills and they were called souffle cups( don't ask me why!)
any party supply place will sell them. also go to some resturants that have a salsa bar. And ask if you can have a few. Worked for me on New Years.
You can go to Sam's club or some store like that. You will have to buy a large quantity though. If you only want to make them once or twice some restaurants will allow you buy them if you ask nicely and don't go during a busy hour.
Department Store (Target, Wal-Mart), Party Supply Store.
Smart & Final or a craft shop like Michael's
Gordon Foods is where I get mine. What do you need to make jello shots for?? You shouldn't be doing jello shots!! hee hee
if you mean shot glasses then probably Wal-Mart i would say they have everything! or at Allens party supplies :P
Looks like your underage. Why are you drinking? Think its "cool"?
Wait till something happens. Youll face the consequences. Dont say "oh it will never happen to me! lalala"
here a wicked cool satistic for you and ur drinking buddies:
1 out of 3 people will be in an alcohol related crash in thier lifetime. Wow cool!