When does drinking become too much drinking?!


When does drinking become too much drinking?

Sometimes it's 3 beers alone in my room when I am working on the computer , or it's going out twice a week with friends and having 4 or 5 drinks.

You're drinking too much when you wind up naked in a cop car and you're the driver, not the detainee.

It doesn't sound like you're drinking too much by what you are describing, but I have to assume you're actually consuming more than you have posted here. Otherwise why ask?

Drinking only becomes a problem when you can't stop doing it. If you have to drink 3 beers every night in order to sleep then yes I would assume you may have a problem. It doesn't sound like it though.

Hope that doesn't sound too preachy. I've been listening to a lot of Loveline lately.


It has become too much drinking when you no longer have any control over it. When you HAVE to have those 3 beer by yourself, or you can't go out without drinking. Basically when it's no longer something you can say no to. But of course by then it's much harder to do something about it so I suggest not letting it get to that point!

(Drinking alone is usually a sign it's becoming a problem.)

When you start drinking, the BEST thing to do is to never start drinking!

Its not how much you are drinking, but why you are drinking. If you are just social drinking then you don't have a problem, if you need a drink to feel good then you have a problem.

That depends...Are you getting drunk? Can you remember what you did? Can you go without drinking or is it something you MUST do? My husband can drink 12 beers in a night and not get drunk. I can have 3-4 drinks a night for a week and not have another for a couple of months. If you feel you need those beers or drinks every night, then one may be too much for you. If you are in control of it, then it should not be a problem. Another question you may want to ask yourself is, are you drinking to get drunk? When I was younger, that was the point. Now, I drink to take the edge off of a hard day and relax a little.

When you HAVE to have a drink. When you can't go out socially w/out one, and when you can't be by yourself w/out one. Having a few when by yourself or with friends is no biggie. It's when you depend on the drink in order to losen up and feel normal. Just don't always drink when you go out, you build a tolerance and before long its 5 then 9 then 12 drinks and you've found yourself in the middle of a problem before u know it.

it becomes too much drinking when you throw up. 3-5 drinks is not something to worry about. once you're tolerance is up to drinking a 12 pack without feeling tanked... then you should probably slow down.

When you leave a bar, get in your car, drive over a median on to a one-way street narrowly missing two drag queens, only to wake up a few hours later by your office calling asking when you're coming in to work because you missed your 9:00 am meeting, then throwing up, then getting to work (late) and throwing up again.

THAT's when drinking becomes too much drinking.

The next time you're in church, and the priest says "Let us Pray", and you look down... and wonder where you're going to set your beer...

You're drinking too much.

Best wishes!

sweetie it's when ever you ask this question.

Too much when you can't handle it.
Too much when you start making a fool of your self.
Too much when you start staggering or get sick.

I always know when I 've had too much

When you start talking like you have heaphones on

When you drink to forget life's problems, avoid responsibilities, miss work, DUI, drunk driving, or get so drunk you beat your wife and/or kids.

its too much when people don't want too be around you when your drunk and are hesitant to meet up with you because they think you are probably drunk, other then that i think people are overly eager to diagnose alcoholism

It's too much when you do things you wouldn't have sober. Or, when you wake up the next day with a headache. Or, when you are slurring, acting stupid and throw up. Or, if you forget what you did the night before under the influence. Or, when you have to get behind the wheel after drinking. Or, when you wake up next to someone you don't know.


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