Am I the only woman that loves beer?!


Am I the only woman that loves beer?

And not that light rubbish!!
On a stinking hot day, there is nothing better than icy cold beer!!

Answers: hell no i love beer.
i love tooheys new, carlton dry and tooheys extra dry and in that order.
for a real beer that will put you in your place try tooheys extra dry platinum. its not for the faint hearted you will soon find out who the real drinkers at the party are. this is definatly not one after or while your been in the sun. also nice with lime or lemon but try on its own first. beautiful.
happy and safe drinkin Yes, you are the only one. All the other women you see drinking it are just pretending. not were i live Absoflippinlutely no, cheers. you are not the only woman who drinks beer but you are surely the only one who can ask such a thing I personally hate beer.

I think more women do actually like it, but it's seen as a ''mans'' drink so they won't drink it, they're not woman enough to be able to pull it off. So they'll stick with their wine (No doubt they like it) But they'll order it instead of beer because it's the norm for a woman to do so.

You seem like a strong kinda lady. Don't be like the others, drink what you like babe!

I can imagine it'll be nice and refreshing on a hot day! I thought I was the only one, Really I know a lot of women that love their beer( It is awful early) Oh well its 5 o clock somewhere I'm a Dos lady myself. Negro Modelo is great, too. Bud makes me want to go take a bath, don't know why. I always thought of it as a dirty beer, I guess. I keep my beer mugs in the freezer so that when I pour the beer in, it freezes up on the sides & bottom. This woman I know likes to mix her beer with Sprite, or some such nonsense. What's that all about? Good Luck & Blessings I love an icy cold beer. no you're not trust me. my sister in law loves beer. when she drinks she doesn't even look drunk and she also has a beer belly that makes her look 7 months pregnant! if all she could do is drink beer, i think she would! U R right bcoz beer makes a human hot ofcourse but we should not take beer every time it may harm us.finally ur question in my opinion u r not the one who only loves beer the upcomming youth likes it tooomuch. OH HELLLLL NOOOO!!!! WE ARE NOT PRETENDING!!!!! BEER IS REALLY F******* GOOOOOOD!!!!! AND I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT BOX OF WINE BS IS!!!! REAL WOMEN DRINK REAL BEER!!!! AND THATS THAT!!!!! : ) Hi Sweetie,
You are not alone in this!!!!! Although it took me awhile to appreciate the flavor of beer (I didnt start drinking it until I was 30!!) I agree that it is a most excellent refresher!! My husband and I have even taken to home brewing!! Beer Lovers UNITE!!!!!
love to you--MissDelanne well ljudjing by your photo , you seem kinda fugs . hahaa im fully kinding kiidding NANYWYATY

personally i like scotch mmm scotchy scotch scotch

OMGGGG ARE YOU AUISTRALIA? i love those people! "aye matey oh crikey"

hahahah so funny they are

anwyay bakc too the point i love talley she my ***** i woke her up and she still loves me

umm that came across so lesbian right there HAHA

anyway girl i love you come over to ny and ill have some bear i meant beer with you MATEY! haha

love youuuu kangaroo chick! :)


hey mom i love you u my homie ggggg I totally agree! Nothing else quite hits the spot! OMG!!

I did not think ther was another Australian, let alone a female one who REALLY loves beer. (!!!)

Can I bore you to death about equilibrium pressures, malt kettles, yeast, barley, hops.... blah blah blah?

EDIT: Mads does not drink the beer that I brew... She is cool and all... but my beer makes one more eloquent - and it refreshes. YUM!

Hmmmm... Sorry, sometimes I just can't help mysef. GRRR! no sorry...cocktails, vodka, champagne, wine...but not BEER! Not hardly. I work with a lady well into her 60s who is a state commissioner for historic cemeteries and she can easily keep up with me and probably put me 'under the table' with beer.

My late Aunt Anna (97 yrs) loved nothing more than a great Italian meal and a nice cold brewskie or two or three - well you get the picture.


Buzzy My partner loves a frosty beer on a hot day, and so does my Mum. Mum used to drink DA, but she's tamed down a bit these days, lol, she sticks to the Carlton Draught now.My sis loves a beer anytime, VB only, thanks.

I'm an icy cold water kinda gal, myself!

Cheers :-) No, but you're certainly a (very cool) minority. Absolutely not! I love Guinness, black and tans and especially dark homemade brews. I love to savor beer, just like wine. I refuse to drink anything light that looks or tastes like piss, unless I have no other choice of course. I love certain kinds, I'm super picky. I love beer especially microbrews.... Hell no - I love beer...there's one in the fridge, would you like it? :)

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