How do you pass a breathalizer?!


How do you pass a breathalizer?

I get tested, but its not a breathalizer its more of a tab. they put it on my tongue and if it turns green it means ive been drinking. im getting tested saturday, is there anything i can drink or eat before it to pass it?

If you know you're going to be tested, the best way to beat it is not to drink before hand. There really isn't a proven way to beat either the breathalyzer machine or the strips.

good news there is- don't drink alcohol if it's so important

Don't drink mate!

Don't drink dummy!

If you didnt drink you wouldnt have that problem know would you? time to step up to the plate and face the consequences.

Don't drink ! Easy !

Just don't drink. That will solve everything.

Good luck Hon.

Keep a bottle of mouthwash in your pocket. At least that's a legitimate excuse.

dont drink
and u wil pass the breathalizer

Not drinking is the only way Bro!

Yes. Drink anything you want, as long as there is no alcohol in it.

Your body metabolizes alcohol through your breath, and only through your breath. As long as you have alcohol in your bloodstream, it is going to be expelled with every breath you take until it is gone. End of story.

And, nothing personal, but if you can't face being sober long enough to pass a test that you know the time and place this far in advance of, you have a serious problem, my friend. You need to find help, and soon. Good luck.

First of all, don't drink. Second, get yourself an attorney who specializes in cases like yours.

Are you taking medications for an illness? These can affect the outcome of all alcohol tests. Also certain conditions can trigger a person.

If you are going to be tested again, I suggest drinking Vitamin Water, Propel, Smart Water, etc. Drinks that don't have a lot of sugar, but that will keep your electrolyte balance normal while you flush your system out. In between having the vitamin drinks you can sip warm water with lemon. All of this should make your system clean.

That said, I agree with the person who said to simply stop drinking alcohol.

However, I cannot advise you strongly enough to speak with an attorney who understands the law. You don't want your life ruined over this.

one thing it is obivous..don't drink too much of alcohol and don't drive until the effects of alcohol passed by..the most improtant thing is TIME it is only thing that will kick the alochol's ***!

alcohol only stays in your system for 24 hours maybe you could try drinking water to flush your system and then drink to celebrate after you pass the test

by not drinking alcohol!!

Don't drink, that's a thought.

Don't drink alcohol

Duh...DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL!!!! You can drink water before you take it...then you'll be sure to pass!

No, don't drink and drive. Fatal combination.

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