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Is it possible to be alcoholic, or at least build the foundation for becoming one later in life, while still in highschool, or is it just an example of partying alot and being a teen? And if so how could you overcome this while surrounded by a teenage culture of drinking and partying?

Dear Kjs,

Wow, this is a powerful question. I applaud you for stepping out and questioning this serious practice and utlimately, the disease !

I have been in the Food and Beverage Industry for over thirty (30) years and have seem many an alcoholic. This disease ruins your life, robs you of your self-esteem, confidence, your good judgement is taken away, jobs are lost and families are destroyed all for the sake of a drink.

Many teenagers are drinking in this society and the peer pressure is tremendous. Unfortunately one does not realize the seriousness until a tragic misake occurs , some kids move on successfully and others drop out and start a life of dispair , poor choices and full-time drinking and drug abuse.

Its important that you have the courage to say " NO " ! Remember your goals and educational plans. Keep your eye on success and work hard towards achievement. This is a difficult subject but its worth these few moments of my time to express the dangers to you and offer you the hope you are looking for . You are bright enough to already question its dangers, now be intelligent enough to walk away and say its just not in the cards for you..... Good luck to you in all your future endeavors.
Jan Gens
Deerfield Beach, Florida

say if u lyk drinking n u cant seem 2 get away 4rm it, dats a sign of one day becoming an alcoholic srry. mayb u shood change som of da ppl u hang out wit and get with som ppl dat think of the future. because ppl dat keep getting drunk or that keep drinking will hav negativ affects on the body lata.(i.e. kidney failure, stones, etc. mayb even death. srry 2 b 2 real, but its tru

its quite possible to be an alcoholic at any time. If you feel like you NEED alcohol or cant function without it you could have a problem. Try taking a break for a while, and if you cant I would go to someone for help.

Studies have shown that some people are genetically predisposed to becoming alcoholics. In that effect, it would stand to reason that someone who has never drank in his life could become an alcoholic after the first time being drunk. For other people, there are many factors that contribute to them becoming alcoholics, such as emotional or psychological problems as well as regular overindulgence causing them to become addicted to alcohol. The only way to assure yourself of not becoming an alcoholic is by abstaining from drinking completely.

YES! It is very possible to become an alcoholic in high school, even grammar school. I suggest you drink water. Just tell your friends that you are allergic to alcohol.
If you are smart, you should be allergic to alcohol. It might be cool to others, but you are destroying your brain and body.

It's a slow miserable death.

Go to al anon a support group for ppl who live with alcoholics. They will give you advice on how to avoid becoming on, since alcoholism seems to run in the family. If that doesn't appeal to you try accessing them online.

If you have to ask this question, then it could possibly be too late. I went to rehab the first time when I was 15. However, the message doesn't quite get to you (usually) that early. I am 27 and I still drink. I have been in rehab twice. I thought I was just doing the "typical teenage thing" when I was young and drinking, but I found out later that my dad, his dad, and his dad's dad were all alcoholics. It runs in families, so find out your family history, then you can come to better solutions. I have bi-polar, which also makes me pre-dis positioned for drug/alcohol abuse. Find out your family history and get help if you need it...please. If you are still in high school, there is still hope. Get help while you can, if you need it.

Just because you drink, party and get drunk does not in and of itself make you an alcoholic or more likely to be an alcoholic.

The key part of being an alcoholic is the physical / psychological need to have a drink and the absolute incapability to control how much you will drink once you start drinking.

An alcoholic who does not drink is still an alcoholic.

What you need to ask yourself is do you constantly feel that you NEED a drink, and once you have had a drink, CAN YOU STOP! If you need that drink and you can not stop ... you are probably an alcoholic and you should not drink whatever age you are.

Having made that "clinical" distinction, it is still not very smart to drink at a young age, to drink to excess at any age, or to drink all the time (also at any age).

In the long run a constant binge drinker will do just as much physical damage to themselves as an alcoholic will. The alcohol does not care WHY you drank it, just THAT you drank it.

If the amount of partying you are doing is hurting the other aspects of your life: Grades, Colleges, Job Prospects, Activities, etc... then you already know you should slow it down and get your priorities straight. The path of least resistance is to go with the crowd ... but once YOU own YOUR choices (yes choices) and the consequences of those choices it will be easier (I didn't say easy) to do what you know is right.

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