I know it is wrong, but how can I get beer underage?!


I know it is wrong, but how can I get beer underage?

I am only 16 and my parents don't drink so I can't get it from them. My brother just turned 21 but he would flip if I asked him, he is really overprotective of me. if I stole it from him, he would kill me. Kids at school can get it 4 me, but it takes a few weeks + this is not really a good idea. Do you have any other ideas? I do feel guilty asking this, but I have no choice. I am REALLY shy @ school and I've been trying a few months to get over it but nothing has worked + things have actually gotten worse. I feel like the only way to get over it is to drink. I don't want to drink, I know it is wrong, I know I shouldn't at my age, and I don't think it is cool or anything like that + I understand it can hurt me and people that love me, but I feel that I am responsible enough to handle this wo/ getting it out of hand. I just want to loosen up @ school. Plz don't write answers making me feel bad because I already do. I just want answers to how to get beer.

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1 month ago
I understand if you dont want to write back because it is a bad question to ask, and sorry if you opened this 4 nothing :)

1 month ago
I understand if you dont want to write back because it is a bad question to ask, and sorry if you opened this 4 nothing :)

Hey Mistering worked for me. Just go to a liquor store, wait outside and ask friendly people to pick something up for you.

And beer won't help you loosen up at school. You'll just seem like a lush, guys will try to bang you because they think you'll get drunk and easy for them. Girls will lose respect for you. Sorry, I know you didn't want that advice, but it's the truth, I'm a guy. If you came to school smelling like beer, my friends and I would have got you drunk and run a train on you in HS without a thought. We men can smell vulnerability, and we'll take advantage.

A sport or activity will serve you better for loosening up and making friends, save the drinking for being social on the weekend like mother nature intended.

Oh, the homeless worked well for us too. We'd pick up a homeless guy, and offer him like $5 to pick up a case of beer, then we'd drop him back off with his booze and drive away with ours.

Be careful on your own though, the homeless are usually crazy, you might get raped doing that on your lonesome. These two homeless guys in my town just got arrested for killing other homeless guys and throwing them into the sewers, turned out they were encroaching on their "recycled soda can territory." No joke, thats true. The homeless are nuts, but poor and they like to drink too.

Want to get beer huh? Well, I suggest waiting five years and doing it legally....drinking at school will not loosen you up, it'll just make you drunk. If you feel bad, you need to talk to someone, your brother, friends, anything. Don't start drinking at this young age...

it's pretty easy.... actually. you said you're 16? dress in professional clothing (maybe jeans and a blouse?) and put on a lil make up so you look older. then get a ride to the shady part of town. find a small, run-down looking liquor store and try your luck. most of the times places like this won't card. just act casual and give 'em they money and you'll be on your way!

maybe you should talk to your parents or family doctor about some anxiety medicine. You could try an herbal supplement such as st johns wort or ginko baloba. I've recently started taking b vitamins for a boost in energy. Try smiling at EVERYONE You may not make any new friends but that one smile could make a huge difference in someone else's day. Wouldn't it yours?

im not gonna help u commit a crime!!!


Wait 5 years!!

You can get beer when you turn 21! Why do you think they set the age limit to 21??? Because teen-agers are NOT responsible with drinking and at your age you should be contrating on your school work not on how to get beer. Your legal age brother would not get it for you why would anyone else? Forget the beer, VERYBAD IDEA!!!

ask your mum, friends mum, anyone thats older then you and you will be truely surprised at how many poeple will buy it for you.... Or just offer b-jobs......

Drinking isn't going to help. Take it from someone who has seen the very dark side of alcohol. It gets real addictive, real quick. Mainly because you can easily fool yourself into thinking you can control it or you just do it for social reasons.

Going to school drunk is even worse, because you aren't going to get what you need while at school, and that is an education. The people you meet in high school aren't gonna mean anything 20 years from now. What you learn now, and in college, is what is going to matter down the line.

If you want to open up and fit in, then why not join a school activity, or a sport? They come premade with a tight nit group that you can get to know and get comfortable with. Don't have one? See about starting something. Do some volunteer work. Feel good about yourself and help others. Its easy to be open with people when your helping them, mainly because they are thankful and open to you.

Something negative like drinking isn't going to render a positive. Even if it seems like it will temporarily.

Not trying to make you feel guilty, just want to honestly help here.

Call me a bad influence but what we use to do was hang out in front of liquor stores and ask the winos/bums or sometimes just regular people (younger barely 21) buy it for us and let them keep the change. Worked every time.

As far as doing that at school thats not going to work you will feel more stupid and even worse when everyone around you is not buzzing/drunk, + the teachers will know something up and get you in trouble, take that from experience.

I'm not saying you should or shouldnt do it at all only because your going to do what you want to do. I am only answering you to tell you how my friends and I use to be able to buy it at 16 and we did it on the weekends.

I certainly don't want to make you feel bad, but you should know the facts about alcohol before you start drinking at such a young age.

Anyway, the reason i am saying this is because this is how alcoholism starts..........Instead of taking steps to get over your shyness, you are just masking it with alcohol and that won't help you at all. Yeah, you'll feel better for a second, but you'll always be shy. If you want to actually get over your shyness without being dependent on something, you just need to practice. Start a conversation with someone by asking them about themselves. People love talking about themselves and then you don't have to do anything but listen!

Here are the facts:
If you drink alot (more than one glass of alcohol/day) it can cause cirrhosis of the liver and once your liver cells die out, you will also die.

Alcohol contributes to 5 of the 10 leading causes of death in north america.

It increases risk of heart rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure, stroke, osteoporosis, brain damage, cancer, inflammation of your stomach lining, suppression of the immune system, sleep disturbances, and hypoglycemia.

Drinking too much alcohol can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It affects practically every organ in your body.

This is all from the book im reading for my nutrition course.

I dont want to make you feel bad but drinking is only going to get you drunk its not going to fix your life, only rune it- : )

well. since u dont have an actual good reason todrink then i think u should stop

your lucky if your in the states, just wait outside any store and pay somebody an extra 5 or ten bucks to go in and buy you something, where i'm from, booze is only sold at government regulated stores, find a party on the weekend at your school they will have booze their, drinking at school doesn't make sense, just try to find one good friend and hang out with them a lot, another thing might be to try and get your hands on some marijuana because it is better for the school environment

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