Anyone else like to have Yohoo chocolate drink to cure hangovers?!
Anyone else like to have Yohoo chocolate drink to cure hangovers?
I swear it works
I have never drank Yoohoo, but I have drank Power-Aid and Gatorade, and both work pretty well, because they both have b-vitamins, and lack of b-vitamins is what causes that "hung-over" feeling, which includes nausea and/or diarrhea (don't know about anyone else, but I get diarrhea when I drink tequila...LOL!). Anyways, Power-Aid gets rid of your nauseous/hungover feeling in the morning. I think Red Bull may also do the trick, according to a friend (but, I have never tried it).
i love Yohoo Chocolate drink. and yes, it can make you feel better.