Best way to pace myself between drinks of one alcoholic type?!


Best way to pace myself between drinks of one alcoholic type?

Lately I've been drinking a little too fast (without even noticing) and as a result, over-intoxication occurs. My friends are starting to see me as a burden, are getting annoyed and frustrated with my alcoholism almost every weekend. Someone help!?!

I think everyone gets carried away now and again,my best way of having fun even if I tend to gulp( or want to have a few shots)is to make sure I've had some thing to eat first.I find that a little burger,taco,cheeasy,somthing is best for me.The grease(AUH!) coats your stomach so drunkeness takes a little longer. Its also a fact that drinking booze with soda..aka carbonated beverages makes the alcohol go into the bloodstream faster,so stick to juice or water mixers.Remember don't drink and drive,get a volenteer to be the driver,or call a cab.No since ending up spending your beer money on courts,lawyers,fines,hospitals... flowers for the funeral.

MMADD,any responsible bartender,your local alcohol abuse classes provided for DUI offenders

I find the best way to do this is to order a water with my drink. I make sure to take a sip of water for every couple of sips of my drink. This way I do not drink as much and as fast, plus it helps with the hang-over in the morning.

There is a trick to keep your booze down, but its not at all a healthy one.
Taking asprin before drinking slows down the effects of the alcohol. but, you are compromising the health of your liver when doing so.
Try drinking at the same exact pace as your friends.

snack, tell them to watch out for you, try and stay awake all night so you dont puke get drunk during the day, start early (5-6), and turn in at about two or three in the morning ..

quitting sucks dude, but it has really put a different perspective for this on me.. i used to binge bad, put away (4) 750ml bottles of liquor one night, and wound up pissing my pants, so i quit.. now i enjoy the getting drunk, but not overdoing it .., if that helps any :]

drink a glass of water between each alocholic beverage.

Allow your liver to break down 1 ounce of alcohol per hour.
Not volume of the drink.
12 oz Beer equals 1 oz alcohol
6 oz glass wine equals 1oz alcohol
8oz mixed drink equals 1oz alcohol
Quite drinking so much or find friends that do not drink.

You don't sound like you're ready to totally quit... at one point I found myself doing the same thing (I was dancing and thirsty, next thing I know...) Nothing inside me ever said that I'd had enuf. So I decided BEFORE I went out, I was only going to have three drinks. Then I'd alternate between a drink, then a pop or water, then another drink. It was easier for me that way and once I was drinking that third drink, I knew that was it for me for that night. But I had to set that limit for myself before I even started. Good luck!

It sounds like this is a warning sign that maybe you are an alcoholic. Have you tried not drinking at all? Try an open AA meeting and see if maybe you might fit some of the warning signs. The sooner you realize this may be a problem the better chance you have of stopping. If you are an alcoholic and continue to drink you could mess up your entire life. Get help. Ask questions. Find a higher power. Good luck. The first step is realizing you have a problem.

After every alcoholic drink, drink a glass of nice refreshing ice water. Repeat.

the best way is too drink a pint of water after each drink. I'm going too be honest though, I've always found it really difficult so I'm going to give you want I've always done. During the day drink a pint of milk and eat plenty of carbohydrates and when drinking, each time you go up to the bar order a glass of water. You don't have to drink it all but the few sips each time will make a world of difference.

drink alternate sips of water.

Or maybe you should just get a soft drink and leave the alcohol to responsible drinkers.

Have a Red Bull on the rocks between drinks.

Pace yourself to one drink per hour.

If you are becoing a burden, perhaps you should ask yourself if you should be drinking at all. If you decide that you can handle it, drink water in between drinks. Also, I was finding when I was younger (and less experienced) that when I drank liquor it was harder for me to judge how much I drank. You could go to one bartender and he's making drinks with 2 shots of liquor and you go to the next and he's making your drinks with 1 shot, then you go to the next and it's all pretty much liquor with a splash of juice on top. So I would get too drunk. Now I try to stick to beer or wine because you always know how much alcohol is in each beer you drink. Three Coronas at one bar are exactly the same as 3 Coronas at the next bar. Mixed drinks are different.

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