What are some of the things that could happen to 14-15 year olds that drink alcohol?!


What are some of the things that could happen to 14-15 year olds that drink alcohol?

other than the usual "u could have sex and blah blah blah." i want the facts. dead brain cells? cancer? what?

Answers: How about you get sent to juvi, more than likely placed in foster care because your parents were too stupid to keep you from drinking. Your parents could also face jail time and fines for your stupidity.

Sex? Please! If you want sex, you'll have sex. You don't need alcohol to have sex.

See? This is why there is such a high age for drinking. At least at 21 you've actually led a life and have the capacity to make ADULT decisions. Source(s):
Mother of a SMART teen..... like, honor roll... like, she doesn't do anything STUPID to mess up her life. Dead brain cells. Alcohol poisoning. Permanent aversion to alcohol. Falling. Drowning. Car accidents. Getting run over. Doing something they never meant to do.

Of course, careful experimentation in a safe environment with a buddy watching over you may be done with much lower risk. it would be very easy for you to get alcohol poisoning and that could cause you to be in a coma like state (brain damage) or even death. You can lose brain cells and drop grades in school. You'll get sick and barf all over the place, not be able to think straight and have double vision. Collapse because you're so dizzy. Alcohol intake can lead to conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, strokes, stomach ulcers, pancreatic, gastritis, high blood pressure, impotence, nerve problems, dementia and mental health problems.
Depression and anxiety may lead to heavy drinking or can result from it. Alcohol can affect the brain causing depression and repeated alcohol withdrawal can trigger panic attacks and phobias. Well it could gear you up to be an alcoholic. I don't think any 14-15 year old kids should be drinking anything but legal stuff. There are so many people out there that wish they would've never took that first drink at 14 years old. Well, I don't thinnk it's a good ideas in the first place... they might get drunk... Some of the best times of your life. Nothing...just don't be retarded and try to show off...the only thing to fear is rents finding out or embarassing yourself...or limp dick...alcohol kills the whatever makes a man a man...I have been left disappointed plenty of times by this... If you're strictly talking about physiological consequences, then drinking alcohol in small to moderate amounts every now and then will do no harm regardless of what your age is. Of course, the younger you are the less your tolerance will be than if you are a grown up. In excessive quantities, it can cause immediate problems such as poor judgement, diminished reflexes, loss of motor abilities, poor sexual performance, and hangovers the next morning (although, I've known guys whose video game skills actually improved after having just a few drinks). Somebody who drinks a lot every day will have lingering but temporarily impaired cognitive abilities, but he/she would fully regain them after stopping for a while. Excessive consumption in the long run can cause gastric problems, liver problems, and perhaps even cancer of those areas in extreme cases. However, I've found no evidence that alcohol kills brain cells, unless you drink to the point where you stop breathing, in which case it's the lack of oxygen that actually kills the brain not the alcohol itself. It won't stunt your growth or shrink your willy either. Such absurd claims are based on pseudo-scientific propaganda spread by extremist nanny-state organizations like MADD, and unfortunately promoted in most high schools. Otherwise, the problems you have to worry about mainly just involve getting caught by the cops or your parents. Alcohol poisoning, promiscuity,sexual appetites,stupid dares,all this goes along with juvenile drinking. Plus you have to break the law obtaining it and you get others in trouble.So to recap, death jail prison all of the above could be brought on by adolescent drinking bouts. if it is a sip or 2 they will be fine. you can become an acoholic if you start before the age of 15 statistics say basically ur brain is still growing, and stops right around 20/21. so if you start before your brain has fully developed, it won't finish developing properly. i waited until i was 21, even though i had plenty of opporunities in high school.

oh, yea, and the typical alcohol dependency thing people mentioned. prolly cuz ur brain developed with alcohol....idk.

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