Day after vomiting from alcohol consumption?!


Day after vomiting from alcohol consumption?

Last night I threw up after drinking too much, and today I have a sick feeling in my stomach. Is there a way of getting rid of this (even though I do probably deserve it)?

Answers: For starters, don't ever feel guilty about having a hangover. Right now, you are simply a person who is feeling ill and needs to do what it takes to nurse himself/herself back to health, and nobody ever ever "deserves" to be sick. I would recommend eating a good helping of sauerkraut and drinking the juice from it (it's not nearly as bad as it sounds, trust me). It will instantly sooth your stomach, and it has a massive load of natural Vitamin C which will quickly rid your body of toxins. Source(s):

Holiday Hangover Remedies -

Hangover remedies - Health 911 -

Sure-Cure Hangover Soups -

Hungarian Hangover Soup: Remember this day, the next time you decide to drink. :)

Take some pepto and eat some plain bread. The feeling will eventually pass. have a beer! or a bloody mary! Gatorade and saltines help me every time. STAY HYDRATED! Yes drink some milk and don't do it again. Drink some water, clear fruit juice, broth or any clear liquid that doesn't have caffiene. You might try some bland food, crackers, bread etc. Alcohol is very irritating to your stomach and antacid like tums might help a bit.

It's something you just have to suffer through when you chose to indulge in drinking too much. Hydration, and light carbs.

When I go over the top, sometimes an antacid like Tumms can help too.

But water, and something like toast, a tortilla, english muffin, or something similar will eventually get you straight.

Next time, pound a bottle of water before you go to bed/pass out. wow what that guy above said about saukraut made me sick! iwouldnt suggest that!

I was always told if you wake up with a hang over drink the last drink you drank the night before, but thank goodness ive never had a hangover, but i swear by taking a motrin (800mg, hey its what hte army gives you for everything!) and drink a coupla big glasses of water before you tuck your self in!
get better soon man! Things that work for me:
Sleep. Alka-Seltzer. Water. Sleep. Asprin. Sleep. Water. Water. Water. Sleep.

Not in that order per se, but that's what helps me. I normally cannot eat much of anything, but the liquids snap me back into shape.

Good luck to you! Well, I remember one time a few years back when I consumed too much. I woke up the next morning, and was so nautious that I threw up on and off for nearly the whole day. My body from head to toe shook like a leaf, and I was as pale as a ghost. Needless to say, my liver had a problem with my bout of binge drinking.

I'd suggest to simply lie down in a nice cool bed and get plenty of rest. Do not drink anything with caffeine, as caffeine is another toxin, like alcohol, that has to be cleansed from the blood by the liver, which in your case is already overworked and needs rest. Drink three 12 ounce glasses of filtered water over the next 12 hours; no more, no less. Do not consume any foods that are high in sugar or contain large amounts of fats, which will slow your recovery from your over-consumption of alcohol.

I would also suggest that you find out the real underlying reason why you drank so much in the first place. This isn't a lecture, just an observation - - there is something within your psyche that you are trying to avoid, and it is important to address such emotional internalizations. Know thyself.

Good luck, and get well soon.

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