Which is better Beer, Wine, or Mixed Drinks?!


Which is better Beer, Wine, or Mixed Drinks?

What do you prefer to drink, when you got out and party. I'm a Bud Light, girl!

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1 month ago
Where is the keg!!!!!!!!!

1 month ago
Where is the keg!!!!!!!!!

None of the above. When you drink Whiskey, you should drink it straight or on the rocks. Putting soda pop into it ruins the drink, IMO.

If you cannot handle whiskey straight than I suggest my second choice, beer. I drink Budweiser products as well as Bass Ale and Carlsberg.

Bud Light here as well......yay us lol

water or juice

I'm not picky..it depends on my mood.

Shots are always a plus.

Mixed drinks all the way for me!

Sparkling Water.It is refreshing and ya won't have a hangover the next morning!!!

It's a matter of taste. There are those who prefer beer, there are the budding wine drinkers, and there are the proponents of the various mixed concoctions. I am definitely not a beer-drinker. When I imbibe, it'll either be wine or a mixed drink but this is very rare.

I love mixed....jolly rancher shots are awesome


all three please. thank you.


Depens on if I'm going to get drunk. A 12 oz beer = 6oz of wine = a shot. Soooo shots are cheaper!! It's usually tequilla shots and diet coke as a chaser for me! Unless I'm at a party dinner, then it's wine. yummm Muscat and Gewürztraminer all the way!

Ahhh but each have their virtues. Beer however, the sweet nectar of the Gods, bubbly libation, so many flavors to quench the thirst. I'll take a homebrew or a Saint Arnold's Brown Ale.

I like to drink coke, mt. dew, tea, powerade, or water. these are much better than your "precious" beer and wine :)

There is no "better" in beverages. The drink should fit the occassion or food. At home in the afternoon or at a casual party, I like a blended Canadian whiskey & water tall. That is a drink made with lots of ice and water. You are refreshed, can sip several without a problem and the drink will relax you and give you an appitite.
But a theme party calls for a drink to go with the mood. A Pina Colada, Margarita, Rum Punch or other mixed drink will get you right in the mood. As long as the drinks don't overpower the party, anything goes. The idea is to party, not get drunk. Get happy, not stupid.
Jug or box wine is fun for a summer party and good wine is wonderful for a nice dinner. I can't imagine an Italian dinner without a good red. Or a special occassion without champagne. An art show or gallery opening must have a nice wine to sip. Or a visit to a winery's tasting room. Yum!
If the party is a picnic, tailgate party or back yard bar-b-que I love a cold beer, preferably plucked out of a washtub full of ice. Beach & lake parties also require beer. I like a light domestic. But Octoberfest needs a rich, dark brew to go with the spicy food. How can you pick? I love them all.


For partying fishbowl Margeritas

For playing pool pitcher beer

With dinner maybe a Baileys and Coffee

For sport, warmed up triple Jack served neat

I like all three. I will take a good beer and a nice glass of wine any day. Mixed drinks are fun, but depending on what you are drinking, they can get to sweet to fast (I can't drink anything at this point). When I go out... it is a beer in my left hand and a mixed drink in my right OR a Wine in my left and a glass of water on my right!

I am a Bud Light Girl too. So, I say go with what you know!

it depends, do you wanna get f*cjed up/ and how much are the drinks? some joints charge over the top for mixed drinks like 9.00 the least. beer wil set you back about 5- 7.00 and wine 8- 10.00 easy when I go out, lest say dinner. start off with a Jack daniels manhattan, that put hair on your chest and tongue. then switch to a red wine. after dinner Jack and coke, the caffeine & sugar get you goin, then just str8 jack. and thats pretty much all I remeber. usually wake up at some girls house and have to figure out my way home. ie where' my car, when'd I get a tatoo? where's my wallet? you know the usual. just joking

pivo, baby!

they are all for entirely different things. beer is for partying regular and just kinda drinking, but only for getting toasted if you have a 40. wine is for drinking with dinner and being classy, or for getting tipsy ("buvé") in France. mixed drinks are mostly for getting drunk real quick with, cause they taste like ****.

i say beer all the way.

Anything that contains alcohol

Go with Miller Lite, Anyone Else??

mood has alot to do with what i want to drink..... Wine never, beer would be bud light, and mixed drinks i think Long Island iced tea is my fav. sitting on beach in Hawaii Long Island iced tea....

If you like light drinks then wine is good especially wild vines wine.

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