How does paying and tipping at bars work? (I'm new at this... sorry).?!


How does paying and tipping at bars work? (I'm new at this... sorry).?

I'm not really a bar person, but I might go to my school's Senior Night tomorrow, so I'd like to know some stuff ahead of time... Please read all my questions...

I tried look up other questions about how much to tip, and most people suggest "starting a tab"... and forgive my being naive, but how exactly do I do that? Is that when you just leave like, a $20 on the counter and the bartender takes from it each time you order? What if I can't sit at the bar because it's too crowded?

Can I just get a regular bill like in a restaurant and pay and tip at the end? Or can they not do that if you're not at the bar or a table (like, if I have to stand).

Most people also said to tip $1 a drink, but I want to stick to like, $3-$4 drinks (college students don't have much money), so $1 sounds like a lot, but I'd feel so cheap leaving just coins...

I really don't know anything about bars. I've never ordered anything other than soda at a bar and somebody else always paid.

Additional Details

2 days ago
Oh, and if you have any good, cheap, drink suggestions, please feel free to share :-)

Preferably fruity drinks that don't taste overly alcoholic...

2 days ago
PS: I am not trying to imply that I want to go cheap on the tip. I have never in my life tipped less than 15% (even for the world's shittiest service) so I'm not going to start now. I just don't want to go broke in the process....

2 days ago
Oh yea, last thing. Is there tax on drinks? Like, is a $3.50 drink really $3.71? Or is tax just included in the price?

Answers: 2 days ago
Oh, and if you have any good, cheap, drink suggestions, please feel free to share :-)

Preferably fruity drinks that don't taste overly alcoholic...2 days ago
PS: I am not trying to imply that I want to go cheap on the tip. I have never in my life tipped less than 15% (even for the world's shittiest service) so I'm not going to start now. I just don't want to go broke in the process....2 days ago
Oh yea, last thing. Is there tax on drinks? Like, is a $3.50 drink really $3.71? Or is tax just included in the price? The bartender will usually ask if you want to start a tab, but pretty much only if you're sitting at or near the bar. If not, just ask, "Can I start a tab?" Sometimes if you give them a credit or debit card they'll do that for you, then you can just pay at the end like at a restaurant. (Don't take any of this personally; in a crowded bar, it's hard for bartenders to keep track of who's lost in the crowd versus who skipped out on their bill.)

I wouldn't just leave cash with the bartender and expect him/her to deduct from it as you order more drinks-- especially if it's crowded and they're busy, that'll just be a pain for them.

Doesn't matter how expensive your drink is--even on a cheap drink, you should really tip $1. That's pretty standard, and it's how bartenders make their money.

And...common bar sense...never, ever let your drink out of your sight. And if someone brings you a drink and you didn't see the bartender making it and putting it on the bar, don't drink it. If you're not careful, it's way too easy for someone to slip something in your drink.

Have fun! Don't drink too much! It is usually 10% of your bill. Really depends on the service you get as well. When you order your first drink & they bring it, ask if you can start a tab - some places will, and most will then ask you for a credit card to secure the tab, although some smaller bars won't. If you would rather pay by drink, do so, then tip each time - usually $2 to 3 to start, and then a dollar a drink after is fine. Or if you do run a tab, tip at the end - and tip well if the server was good, and you weren't waiting around for a new drink all the time. Depending on how much you're drinking and whether you are buying for others, running a tab can actually be cheaper on the tip side, in the end.
If you like a particular juice or soda, just order a generic, such as rum & coke or vodka and grapefruit..they will give you a well drink, as opposed to a call drink, which would be a Captain Morgan & coke or a Grey goose and grapefruit - well drinks are cheaper...but beware the hangover. Most bars let you start a tab to make it easier for you, but you can pay cash as you go if you want. If you do start a tab, they will ask for a credit card, then you just close it (pay by signing the receipt) when you are ready to go.

As far a tips, I'm afraid a dollar for tip is the rule of thumb. If you are sitting at the bar, you could order a few rounds then just leave 2 or 3 dollars at the end.

If you want cheap drinks go during happy hour. 1 or 2 dollar beers are common. Fancy drinks will cost between 3 to 10 dollars depending on the alcohol used. Your best bet here is to let some guy offer to buy you a drink. ;-)

Drink responsibly! I agree with freesumpin. If you can't afford to drink then don't or have a few at home and then one or two at the bar. Tipping anything less than 15% is just down right wrong and they will remember you if you ever go back there and not give you their best service.

Starting a tab you will need a credit card and they will keep it behind the bar, when you get another drink, you tell them what you want and the name it is under. At the end of the night you 'tab out.'

I understand about being in college and how little your budget might be but put yourself in the bartenders shoes. They 'might' get paid $2 an hour and they give you their service expecting you to show your gratitude. If you don't then don't bother wasting their time and don't expect to get your drink very fast in the future. Tipping advice from "The 86 Rules of Boozing":

28. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to drink in a bar. Go to the liquor store.

39. Never tip with coins that have touched you. If your change is $1.50, you can tell the barmaid to keep the change, but once she has handed it to you, you cannot give it back. To a bartender or cocktail waitress, small change has no value.

40. If you have ever told a bartender, “Hey, it all spends the same,” then you are a cheap @ss.

63. If you're going to hit on a member of the bar staff, make sure you tip well before and after, regardless of her response.

64. The people with the most money are rarely the best tippers. It also may depend on the state you live in. Some states bartenders get paid minimum wage and others get paid below that because they are expected to earn the minimum wage with tips. Look into that.

If you don't get a tab then you don't HAVE to tip every drink. You can do a combined tip. I would tip them on your first drink and then you may skip a tip and pay for the one after that or if you know you're going to get 3 drinks tip for that, as long as they add up to what you're paying for. That might help you avoid giving change.

I also tip according to what I order. If I got a drink in a glass bottle I wouldn't tip as much as if I got a mixed drink or if I got a coke. Also these drinks are usually cheaper anyways. a dollar a drink is good and pina coladas and mai tais are good drinks the pc's are not as strong. Avoid martinis if u don't want to hit the floor
have fun Always tip at least 20% if you run a tab. If you pay as you go, the bartender will probably be happy with a dollar a drink, even with top shelf liquors. If you get quick service and a nice stiff drink, tip them two or three bucks on your first drink and a dollar from there on. Bartenders hate it if you don't tip at all (and rightly so, they are paid very little per hour). If you don't tip,or if you only leave a few coins, they will not be as quick to get to you next time you need a drink. A five on your first round will insure you great service and stiff pours all night. Wow..all these answers from women...I didn't even know women tipped! I say that as a former bartender. Don't ask me why, but it is OK to run a tab but not walk a tab. 10% doesn't get it. On a $4 drink thats 40 cents. That won't assure you of prompt refills. It's cheaper to tip when paying a tab than when pay as you go. I hand'em a 5 and let them keep it for the first 3-4 drinks. On a tab, you need to tip a MINIMUM of 20%. The bartender has bills too, ya know. And you need to help offset the people that don't know how to tip.
If you can't afford to tip appropriately, buy a jug and go home.

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