Can anyone recommend a really good alcohol-free red wine?!


Can anyone recommend a really good alcohol-free red wine?

Prior to being pregnant there was nothing I liked more than a nice glass of Shiraz or Merlot wine. Now I have vowed not to drink any alcohol for the full 9 months (and if I breastfeed too) I have been looking for a good substitution. Fruit juices don't hit the spot and I've been looking at alcohol-free reds. Can anyone personally recommend a particular brand? Thanks!

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1 month ago
There are plenty of alcohol free reds out there - and drinking the real stuff is not an option! I will not drink while pregnant! ;-)

1 month ago
Thanks for the "helpful" answer Pelayo. I am well aware that there are bad alcohol free wines on the market, hence my question. I usually drink very good quality wines so if there's not a good one out there I will remain tee total while pregnant.

1 month ago
There are plenty of alcohol free reds out there - and drinking the real stuff is not an option! I will not drink while pregnant! ;-)

1 month ago
Thanks for the "helpful" answer Pelayo. I am well aware that there are bad alcohol free wines on the market, hence my question. I usually drink very good quality wines so if there's not a good one out there I will remain tee total while pregnant.

There is such a thing. My dad used to drink the stuff while he couldn't have any alcohol. I think he liked Veno Ziro or something like that.

There's no such thing. Sorry.

I think you'd probably be alright to have the occasional glass anyway.


alcohol free & red,......

Ribeena !!

Grape juice.

Welch's Grapefruit. Deelicious. Pour it in a nice champagne glass, have candles, if you want a bubble bath. Enjoy.

Grape juice?
The methods to remove alcohol from drink destroy the flavours of wines.

Try puple grape juice.I know you dont like fruit juices but this ones different.Its actually better for you than red wine as it doesnt have the alcohol but has the rest of the can get it in the juice section of most decent shops ie tesco sainbury ect.You wont be dissapointed.Good luck.

You shouldn't worry about drinking a glass of wine or two. Italian, French, Spanish and Greek mothers have always drunk it with no ill side effects. On the contrary a bit of red wine improves circulation and builds up the blood guarding off anemia. The important thing is that you don't exaggerate with wine and above all that you don't smoke. I don't think that there is a true analcholic red wine. You can try grape juice. I sometimes instead of wine drink Ocean Spray cranberry juice that has a sort of winey taste and is very good for health especially for women's urinary system. A tip: in Italy children are introduced to wine drinking at a very early age by making them drink a glass of red wine mixed with water or mineral gassy water at mealtimes and it's the reason why overall they don't have alcholics. I'm Italian and saw the first drunk man in Italy at the age of senventeen so rare they were in my time.

welch's grape juice

Chateau Cr4p, why don't you ask in the section for fruit juices...
Wine with no alcohol, chocolate with no cocoa, sugar with no sugar, milk with no milk..
I'm sorry but can you not taste and appreciate things for what they are? Fermentation (the process that makes its alcohol) is essential to wine, to its taste....remove it and it's with no ball and no feet, a ballet with no dancers, a car with no petrol, a school with no kids....IT'S POINTLESS
Drink something else

If your pregnant...of course...The only alcool free I've ever tried was white wine (from Germany) but really really bad. As for alcohol free red wine, I've heard about it, but I think it never really took of.

To be honest with you I do not honestly think there is such a thing as Alcohol Free Red Wine - unlike beer, and that is debatble when you taste it. Just stick to good quality brands of red grape juice and think of me whilst I sup a full bodied 14% Shiraz from Aussie and tomorrow an 18% Wine from Priorata in Spain - not widelt recognised but after tonight may well put it on the map. My best wishes for your pregnancy - whether it be boy or girl - just email me at the appropriate time with his/her name - long as it isnt Wayne!! Take care xx

It's not really the same as red wine I guess, but red grape schloer is really nice.

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