Do you drink beer for the taste or for the effect?!


Do you drink beer for the taste or for the effect?

Answers: Mostly, I drink beer because I love the taste. My taste in beer is very diverse. Unlike most hopheads, I do love a cold Bud Light when I'm thirsty. The effect of a light beer is very mild and it takes several to get that beer buzz, yet the effect is pleasant. I also love a more robust brew like a Guinness(my ultimate favorite) and the alcohol level is comparable to a light beer despite what most people think. I also love to go to a local place that serves a lot of different, and hard to find brews. They serve an Imperial Stout that is fairly high in alcohol content, (9+ %) which has a superb taste, and the effect is almost immediate. It is kinda nice to get an instant buzz. Being really drunk, on the other hand, is not a feeling I particularly love. sorry, i don't drink mmm depends what kind of beer it is.

i'd say most people drink beer for the effects though. Both I drink beer for the taste. I drink malt liquor to get f**ked up Definitely both. The taste has to be good because piss water just doesn't cut it.

The ffect depends on the alcohol content. A good Beer such as Bud Light...can;t go wrong there. In fact I'll have me one right now. Before I gave it up, I drank it 'cause I LIKED it. But not the effect. Both, but primarily for taste. I won't drink crappy beer just for the buzz. Definitely for the taste, don`t drink to much of it but i love a good cold beer with my dinner, German beer only! Both like they say don't drink piss water Kronnenburg 1664, for that cold raw taste of beer, i mean the affect is just a plus, you know what I mean? its a perk! The Taste comes first of course, other wise I could always drink Vodka straight just for the effect and not the taste! Cheers Mate Well I don't drink much anymore but as to your question, anyone who says that they are drinking because of the taste is greatly mistaking themselves or they just might have a bad sense of taste. The only real reason why anyone would say that they are drinking for the taste is probably because in their mind they already have it set that they will accept the taste in order to feel the effects. Then again I personally like the different tastes of wine yet I hear others in disgust with the thought of drinking wine when they haven't actually tasted wine.

Well good luck in your quest to finding out who and why in regards to your question!!! taste only Yes and yes. Purely for the taste. A little of both. There are some foods (like burgers, ribs, bbq, wings, etc) that really go well with a nice cold beer. After frustrating days at the office though, the beer effect is a nice end to the day! Both. Of course most of the time I am dinking to get drunk, so most of the time the effect, but I must like the taste if i'm drinking it.
Most of the time I'd rather take about 10 shots of vodka instead of like 10 beers.

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