What happened last night? I went to a party and this morning, I wake up in someone's yard 3 miles away.?!


What happened last night? I went to a party and this morning, I wake up in someone's yard 3 miles away.?

Answers: Okay... you want the truth? Can you HANDLE the truth? Are you SURE you can handle the truth?

Okay, then. Here's what REALLY happened to you. (Are you sitting down? You sure you can handle this?)

You were (and I'm totally serious about this) abducted by aliens. I don't mean the illegal wet-back kind, either. I'm talking E. T., man. I swear. I saw the whole thing. Was the funniest thing I'd seen in a long time.

Now... when they came down to the party, they wanted to get wasted. You were all like "NO way dude! You're not getting any of this! Go away!!"

Well, now, that just ticked them off royally. I mean, how would YOU feel if someone said you couldn't party? Heck, they came from millions of light-years away, and you're telling them to go jump off a pier?

Well... they really got mad. They said "Fine, butt-head! We'll fix YOUR wagon!" and the next we all know.... KA-ZAP!!! You were gone! We thought they vaporized you or something. It was wild. (I was too wasted to help... sorry dude.)

Then, they trashed the joint. They got all uppity an 'at, and challenged us lowly earthilings to do something about it. The rest of us were like "Hey! Chill! Have a beer, dudes!" Well, that calmed them down. The pizza and hot wings helped a bunch, too.

Any way, they offered us rides on their ship. I think I'm the only who went. Man that was fun! I wanna go again!

Any way.... I asked what they did with you. They showed me their "operating" room. Oh the funny pictures they drew all over you. They said they put in some naughty words, but I didn't understand the language. It looked Egyptian hyroglyphics, to me.

I asked what they were going to do you next. (Remember, I was really wasted.) They said they were going to dump you in field somewhere. I said "Nah... put him someone's backyard. Scare the poop out of him. Would serve him right, after all."

They said "Hey penguin, we like your style." So... that's how you ended up in someone's backyard, 3 miles from the party.

You don't have to thank me, just remember, I saved your sorry butt, and a great laugh at your expense.

:o) Your friends threw you there. well if you were naked, tequilla happened last night :o) you got drunk You borrowed 20 bucks from me. You said you would send it to me on monday. Sounds like you had a hell of a time. To much to drink? Or what kind of drug did you ingest? How the heck is any one on here supposed to know if we werent there? Your dumb. There is a special vehicle that you rode on called a beer scooter that transported you the 3 miles. Unfortunately they disappear when you sober up the next morning. You probably drank too much or maybe someone slipped something into your drink. You had a "blackout" and wandered away or you were unconscious and someone dumped you somewhere thinking you were not going to make it. Bad situation. Be more careful how you party and with whom! i have no idea but when i read that i just cracked up ..sorry man. at least you didnt wake up with some guy wrapped around you Sure beats waking up in jail. u make sure to check urself over u kno no wierd cuts bruises or anal leakage. seriously though blackouts happen just next time make sure u with a trusted friend Well, how much DID you drink? You got drunk, blacked out, and most likely, someone dumped you off far far away from the scene of the stupidity so that they wouldn't be responsible for whatever happens to you. As long as they were not pointing a shot gun at you I wouldn't worry too much about it. So that's it huh - you told me I was special, but it meant nothing to ya :o(
Just kidding - Either you got drunk and went for a walk - long walk btw or u passed out and ur mates thought it would be funny to dump u somewhere far far away. You'll prob start getting flashbacks over the next couple of days....Enjoy Was that YOU ??

We've got pictures ! did you have your pants on? was the neighbours wife keeping you warm? i think you had a blackout from 2 much booze and your friends figured you was dead so they drop-ed you off there. you should get medical and mental help at once . you could have severe brain damage I pity the horses and cows Is your bunghole sore? no question, you were abducted by aliens. that's your story, stick to it !!!

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