How much Vodka would it take for a large man to get drunk?!


How much Vodka would it take for a large man to get drunk?

I'm 6'1 and weigh about 300 pounds. I'm a large dude.

Answers: Bill,
The big question is how drunk? Legally drunk? Tingly body all over drunk? (which is quite a bit past legal), or staggering when you walk drunk? The answer for each is different, and depends somewhat on how fast you metabolize it. That's a function of your genetics.
Your height is irrelevent but your weight is the big factor. I weigh 250.
Legally drunk for me is about 4 shots of vodka within an hour. Tingly all over would be about 6. The level of intoxication goes up from there until you get sick to your stomach or pass out.
If you are really curious and need to know, you can buy affordable breathalyzers at Sharper Image for about 120-150 bucks.

good luck
Kevin well it depends....have u ever been drunk before? Give it a 5th and eat something with it. vodka without food = Bad Hangover Stay away from alcohol it will kill your brain and body. I would say 6 oz. That is 3 generous shots. Why do you need to be drunk? Are you sad? Gambling problems? Mean wife? Whats the deal? everyone is diffrent..... a micky should do it A lot!! You'll know JUST before you hit the floor, promise! i would say it would take 1/2 to 3/4 of a medium sized bottle to get you nice and drunk.

<3 If you don't drink very often probably not much. Also depends if you are drinking on an empty stomach. Everybody's different. 6 to 8 shots before your feeling it. After that just do one and see how you feel. Don't end up face down in the toilet. why do you want to get drunk? I'd say it depends on your tolerance level then.. Maybe 4shots/hr...

depends if mixed, or your tolerance it all depends on your Torrence to achool,I'm only 5'2 and 165
and i can drink 1/2 a bottle of vodka and not be drunk.
it all depends on you depends if your drinking on a empty or full stomach...

I would say 1/3 to 1/2 of a fifth. to be a happy drunk

and a whole fifth to worship the porcelain Depends on how fast you chug it. I'm your size, and if I knock back three shots in quick succession, I'm gonna have a heck of a buzz on in about fifteen minutes, and I'll blow more than the legal limit on the local cop's breathalyzer - and so would you. NOTE: drinking on a full stomach will NOT let you safely imbibe more without getting drunk. You could get drunk on as little as one shot, but for you, three shots within an hour.

pray tell, why do you want to get drunk?

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