Is alcohol drinking really enjoyable?!


Is alcohol drinking really enjoyable?

I never had any pleasure in drinking.

Answers: I don't think it's the actual drinking that's enjoyable, but the way it makes you feel! People tend to let loose when they're drinking, and not be so serious!
And it also depends on your company....
If you're with some good friends, and you guys drink a little, it will be a lot more enjoyable than drinking alone. I personally hate hard liquor. Most people drink because they wanna get "bent" or get "nice". it depends...
dont try one if u never had one..
ADDICTED!! alcohol addicted NO it's the fealing of being hi but not drunk.

T HAT,S A WRAP Yes, Alcohol drinking get you feel happy, get you forget pain, physically ane emotionally I do enjoy it.. It is more of a social thing for me.. I guess it is an aquired taste. I have plenty friends that think the way i do. I don't like to get drunk. perhaps you were drinking the wrong thing
if you were drinking the hard stuff try beer
or vise versa, just start out slow So how are you drinking it?

If you are just slamming it down, you miss the point

Also, what are you drinking? a poor quality drink will detract from the pleasure of it I enjoy beer and wine, but not the hard stuff. I find that a lot of my motivation for drinking is that it goes well with the food I am eating. I do not like to drink unless I am eating something along with it, and I don't drink to get drunk. Therefore, for me, drinking is enjoyable as I can still partake and not be stupid about it. The pleasure can either be derived from either the taste or the feeling from being "drunk." I never enjoyed drinking beer, but I loved the taste of whiskey. I could drink one sip of it and love - not being tipsy in the least. The word "enjoyable" is very subjective. It really depends on these two factors. I would suggest trying many types of drinks. Some may find alcohol, no matter what the percentage, to be repuslive. no sometimes you can get something that will be good but the next time you get the same thing it is bad so don't drank It drinking isn't actually an enjoyable event, depending on what youre drinking, a lot of drinks out there if mixed right you cant even taste the booze. I go out to the bars all the time, but to socialize and have fun. never ever drink alone sometimes O YEA!!! LMAO!! In moderation...yes Your question doesn't make any sense. Nobody drinks just alcohol, unless some rare crazy individual is downing straight shots of Everclear or illegal moonshine. However, beer, wine, mixed drinks and liquor are BEVERAGES that contain alcohol and provide an incredibly wide range of tastes and sensory experiences that many people do enjoy very much. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Is drinking alcohol really enjoyable? Of course it is that first mouthful of beer is like an angel dancing on your tongue i don't enjoy the actual drinking. probably because all i drink is straight vodka that tastes like rubbing alcohol and smells like it too.

but, i think it's the effect i go for. I enjoy drinking just enough to help me relax (usually only one or two drinks).

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