What is your favorite cheap vodka?!


What is your favorite cheap vodka?

i dont like waisting my money on the expansive stuff when the outcome is the same lol

ok this will sound dumb....but i like the albertsons brand im trying to think what it say on the bottle i almost think "select"
its a clear bottle with blue lettering i get that one cause it looks less ghetto then popov...lol........im a dork!!

Smirnoff. I like as well as the high-end stuff.

I like Kettle One, but of the cheep stuff Popov

The outcome isn't always the same, at least go mid-shelf. Finlandia, Svedka, and Smirnoff Triple Distilled are all mid-range.

If you're inclined to get the plastic jugs with the handles on it, who cares what's on the lable.

VOdka brand VFodka

As far as cheap vodka goes, I'll go for Takaa before anything. It's something about Aristocrat that I don't like. To be more specific, try the Takaa with the black top.

well if you dont mind waking up with a headache smirnoff is good for the money.But if your just looking to get wasted try Everclear.Just mix it with something.It will get you where you wanna be fast i think its 180 or 190 proof...I am a regular everclear drinker so it works for me...

I go down to the local discount liquor outlet and get the yellow lable "No Name" brand - 40% alcohol, no frills, no guarantee that you won't go blind, and only about 6 bucks for a fifth. Even cheaper option - rubbing alcohol at 5 bucks a gallon, but it doesn't go as well with OJ.

Colonial Club or Popov are about four or five bucks per bottle. Not bad if all you're doing is mixing it into juice or soda.

Burnett's vanilla vodka is my pick if you're looking for flavored stuff. I've heard good things about the cherry as well. Apparently the regular kind just tastes like burning though.

We used to buy handles of Zelko or Nikolai which was around 10 to 15 bucks a handle and then pass it through the britta filter several times. Granted it will not taste like grey goose as the myth states it does taste better each time it goes through the filter.

Koskenkorva, finlandia <3<3 finnish vodka u can bu 5-7 dollar in sweden and finland i know. but dont know if u can get it in USA

The quality of vodka is very important. I would try to avoid a hangover at all cost!
Popov will make your head ring the next day and I would only recommend it for someone maybe homeless.
The best vodka for the price in my opionion is SKYY. It is fairly priced, made in the USA and the actual inventor created it so he could avoid having hangovers. He filters it like 6 times to take out harmful CONGENORS...or impurities that give you the headache. My next pick down would be the triple distilled higher quality Smirnoff.

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