Covering up the fact that I had a few beers?!


Covering up the fact that I had a few beers?

I plan on having 3-4 beers and I do not want to get caught by my parents. I've never drank much before, but I have an extremely strong family history of alcohol tolerance. I am also a male, 180 pounds and 6 feet tall. If I try to act normal (although I'm goofy by nature), eat a crap load of doritos, a large meal prior, and rinse with mouthwash and use altoids, will that cover it up enough?Also, i plan on bringing a small bottle of cologne to cover up the smell. If not.. suggestions please. I don't wanna hear "don't drink". I am deperate to not get caught. Again, only 3-4 beers, if I feel like having that many. Thank you

I would say that you don't need to go to all of that trouble. You probably wouldn't even get a buzz unless you drink them all in one hour. Forget the bag of Doritos. Mints, visine and a little cologne is all that is needed and I'm not even sure about the cologne unless you always wear it. You must want a beer pretty badly.

if you are afraid of getting cough you are not over 21 so don't drink unless you are man enough to face the consequences

Don't go overboard on the cologne just take some gum . And if your usually goofy anyways you should be right .Just act overly goofy for a few days before.

Well, If ur as big a bloke as u say ur are, why do u want to hide it from ur parents? If ur old enough to drink, then I say go do it. But if ur not, it's not a good idea to do it unless u have permission. It is very hard to hide the fact that u've been drinking. A person who is sober can instantly see the change in a person who has had a few. Especially if they know that person well. And as for the smell, well, u may be able to hide it for a short time, but what happens when u burp? That can be pretty smelly, hey?
Good luck, mate, I think ur gonna need it!

if you're not 21, best not to do it at all, but if you feel you must, just talk to your parents in advance and tell them what you want to do and ask them to chaperon you. not cool enough for you? drink your beer, but do NOT go around your parents at all. do NOT get in a car if you have been drinking, and do NOT get in a car with someone else who has been drinking. plan to do it in a controlled environment is the best advise i can give you besides not to do it at all....especially considering your family history, trust me, you are already in for a long battle against the bottle. best to lay low for now.

Use Hales Menthol cough drop's. That's what I use before I leave for work good Luck Drink up.

There is a product called new breath .... might find it a 7-11 ...drunk drivers use it a lot lol ... it works a lot better than trying to mask it with anything else.

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