How do I not vomit after drinking only three beers?!


How do I not vomit after drinking only three beers?

Nobody would drink more than me except for one thing--I can't stand the taste of alcohol, even beer. Last night I drank three one-dollar beers (6.2% abv), and I got so sick that I puked on two of my friends and all over the table. But before then I was on a roll--usually I can't get through a single beer without feeling like throwing up.

I love being drunk, but I hate drinking--apparently more so than everybody else. And it doesn't help that the drinking culture makes it seem like I'm the only person in the world with this problem. How do I get over this?

Additional Details

1 month ago
I threw up last night without having anything in my stomach except the alcohol, so maybe that was why. And I was completely hammered after just having those three drinks, so my sensitivity to alcohol must be insanely high.

And it's not just the beer, I'm extremely intolerant of every type of alcohol I've ever tried, even the fruity expensive drinks. I can't drink something more than once or twice before I get sick of it and start gagging as soon as I even bring the glass to my lips.

And yes, when you have as many issues with social anxiety as I do, sometimes you do have to get drunk to have fun. Incidentally, I'm taking generic wellbutrin and remerol for my depression and anxiety, which might be contributing to the problem. But I was extremely intolerant of alcohol before I was on those drugs.

1 month ago
I threw up last night without having anything in my stomach except the alcohol, so maybe that was why. And I was completely hammered after just having those three drinks, so my sensitivity to alcohol must be insanely high.

And it's not just the beer, I'm extremely intolerant of every type of alcohol I've ever tried, even the fruity expensive drinks. I can't drink something more than once or twice before I get sick of it and start gagging as soon as I even bring the glass to my lips.

And yes, when you have as many issues with social anxiety as I do, sometimes you do have to get drunk to have fun. Incidentally, I'm taking generic wellbutrin and remerol for my depression and anxiety, which might be contributing to the problem. But I was extremely intolerant of alcohol before I was on those drugs.

It might be the fact that your drinking one dollar beers, it can't be very good for a dollar. I drink Corona Lights with a lime, but that can be expensive because I can drink $125.00 worth of it before I'm good to go.

Just try a different beer, one that tastes better to you. I would say drink mixed drinks but that could really mess you up.

drink only 2 beers.

Just don't drink beer at all. It is bad for you and you could become drunk.

drink 2.5

ha ha lol at you

smoke weed instead, then drink coca cola. sweet.

buy Chase,
you get it @ walgreens.
orrr any ( most ) drugstores
usally at the counters, or ask

well, you cant get drunk on three beers, especially if you throw up, so i suggest you stick to the hard stuff. I usually dont puke till i get at least a fifth in me, and a fifth will get me pretty sloppy.

Pour your beer into small glasses and if you can take one, take the other. Don't try drinking a lot of bottles. When you start feeling drunk, STOP DRINKING.

Drink something else. Fruity "girl" mixed drinks can still be alcoholic and not make you throw up. There's a reason there are so many beers and liqours out there - People only enjoy / tolerate certain brands. I would start by not drinking "dollar" beers. They taste like skunk to me. Unless you get drunk every day, it's worth it to buy better stuff for yourself. Try Pyramid Apricot Heffeweizen or Newcastle Brown Ale. If you like coffee you might get away with Guinness.

Bottom line, don't drink the garbage.

stop drinking cheap beer and cheap alcohol.... and annother thing dont drink to fast, i bet you try to down your beer, the bubbles just start to pile up in your esophagus and kaboom you blow up like a volcano...... quit "chugging" your drinks.....

Do you take any medications? that can cause you to puke when you mix pills with beer. I know that from experience.

Aslo you cannot drink with an empty stomach, it always helps if you eat a little bit before you drink. Or stop drinking all together. Beer has a lot of calories, and it will make you gain weight if you drink a lot.

dude, you dont need to drink to have fun, but if you must, eat beofre you start, bread based foods hepl, and also beer obviously isnt your drink, i get hte exact same way after brown spirits, like bourbon and wisky, so now i drink white wine, vodka and tequila, experiment a little (maybe not all at once) one time when you go out try only one type of drink then the next another, and see how you go.
good luck

"I love being drunk" ...hope you love pancreatitis and cirosis too

Try spirits with soft drink or something other than beer. Or just don't drink that's you other option. Be on a natural high if you need alcohol to have fun you must be a pretty boring person.

it could be the barley in the beer---
your body is trying to tell you to switch to something else

If you don't like alcohol, don't drink it. Although, if you like getting drunk then try some different things. I like beer, but I go through phases where I drink certains drinks and then I'll switch. I am currently drinking pina colada's. They are SOOO Good. You can get a "Bacardi Mixers" mix at the grocery store by the frozen orange juice. Just add some rum (i'd suggest spiced rum, captain morgan's) and some ice. Blend it up and enjoy. It honestly doesn't even taste like an alcoholic drink. Good luck

the best way to not vomit is not bying beer for a doller that stuff is of low quality and very disgusting try coors or corona or don't drink especially if you can't handel it buddy.

Switch to wine. Any cheap fruity one will do. You can easily switch to beer later after you learn to control rotgut wine.

It sounds like your body just cannot tolerate alcohol. It's not the end of the world. Enjoy being with your friends and watch how moronic they act. Watch them hook up with people they wouldn't normally give the time of day to and keep them from drinking and driving.

You are not the only one in the world. I cannot tolerate alcohol and I have a friend who cannot either.

1) get a better alcohol, like Smirnoff Green Apple
2) get vodka or rum, and mix it with fruit punch, coke, etc. (try and find a balance between the two liquids so the alcohol taste isn't strong)

Remember , alcohol is a poison in your system, and being drunk is the effect of your body trying to throw the stuff off. Throwing up is your body trying to protect itself.
It is possible to have a good time without drinking.
Plases be careful, though you are just getting started drinking, it sounds like you are becoming an alcoholic. That sounds premature , I know , but I've seen it before. Plaese be careful, seek counseling before you really get hooked. " I love being drunk" - doesn't sound too good.

you only trowup if you're eating as you drink, so don't drink or don't eat.

firstly you will have to make sure that you had something to eat ... by doing this you will have something to absorb the alcohol if not then you will have to think of someone then take the glass

I vomit after one beer, but can drink everything else with no problem. Try something else?

For starters alway eat first. Having food in your stomach helps to restrict the pyloric valve in your stomach which slows the passage of alcohol towards your liver (keeps you from getting drunk as quickly).

Second, hydrate! Alcohol drains your body of water very quickly... which can contribute to nausea and a wicked hangover the next day.

Third, pace yourself. The human body cannot process more than 1/2 ounce of raw alcohol per hour. In a 12 ounce beer at 6.2% abv, you're looking at 3/4 ounce of alcohol per beverage which brings me to my fourth point....

DRINK WEAKER BEER. 6.2%? 3 of them? I think I'd be sick and I've been drinking for years!! You essentially drank 6 budweiser's in a night. Quite a feat for a rookie.

Bud light is somewhere near 2.3%. Budweiser is 3.2%. 6.2% is usually a dopplebock or some other strong German Beer. No doubt part of the reason that you were floored was the strength of the brew. Stick to near beer until you get your tolerance up and always listen to the little voice in your head that tells you when you've had to many... it's better than the technocolor yawn.

Your a lightweight Stick to milk.

Those drugs lower your tolerance to alcohol. You should really consult with your dr.....if you read the warnings that come with your prescriptions when you get them filled, it will probly tell you the same. You could also be damaging your liver by mixing alcohol with the prescriptions......

Yo, my brotha. It looks like you ain't cut out for being a drunk. You are blessed that you can't hold down alcohol. Just take it as a sign that you got better things to do with your time than being drunk. Lucky you.

eat something, and drink water in between beers. or don't drink as much. you need to know your own limits.

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