Do i drink too much?!


Do i drink too much?

i am a 27 year old woman who likes to have a glass or wine or two in the evenings. i've also been known to go to parties from time to time on the weekends and get pretty tipsy but i always arrange for a designated driver beforehand in those instances. some days i don't drink at all.

the problem is that my boyfriend has been traumatized by his alcoholic father and near-alcoholic mother who get really drunk and angry or sad. i've never gotten mean or rude after drinking but he acts like its a crime to go out and have a good time with friends over a few drinks.

do i have to stop drinking all together so he won't get flashbacks to his abusive childhood? or am i drinking too much for my own good?

Answers: I wouldn't really say that your an alcoholic, but you are probably drinking a little too much. Maybe you should just try to not get drunk or "tipsy" for a little bit. My mom used to be just like you when she was young. But she gradually started drinking more and more and became an alcoholic and could barely even take care of me and my brother. I can tell that you obviously don't want that happening to you so if I were you I would just drink less. Hope this helps. =] It doesn't sound like your drinking to much at all. I think he is just worried like you said about you becoming like his mother or father. I don't think you should have to give it up completley. Just let him know you are in control of your drinking and it will not become a problem. Sounds like your being very responsible about it as well with making plans for someone to drive you. Just sit down with him and meet in the middle so both of you are happy:) Good luck. No, not at all. Kudo's to you for getting a designated driver!!
He is just afraid, and that is okay. Maybe being with you will show him that everyone is not like what he grew up around.
Good luck!! It sounds like it is "his" problem not yours. Maybe you should find a new boyfriend. He is very troubled about alcohol. If you are doing what you say, you seem to be OK with alcohol. it doesn't sound like you're too bad off. I'd say just tone it down a bit around him. You're pretty well off and seem responsible especially since you have the self control to only get tipsy and to have a dd all worked out. You're better off than me, my girlfriend has to deal with my stupid shenanigans every time I get drunk! I doesn't sound like your an alcoholic. It seems that you're a social person who loves to have a drink or two. Wine is a very social and elegant drink vs drinking a suicidal drink like vodka. It's totally fine...unless there is more to the story that you're not telling us. Becuase if that's the case then you're in denial and can only save yourself from that. But other than don't seem like an alcoholic. It seems like your boyfriend is either two things: Control freak and is using it as an excuse to control you or is genuinely looking out for you.

I can honestly tell you from personal experience, I grew up with an alcoholic father. He drank all of the time 7 days a week. I rarely saw him sober. Now that I am married I see my husband drink socially with his friends. There are times when he goes over the limit and expects me to be the DD almost 99% of the time and that's when I know enough is enough! I mean, he's gotten into fist fights while intoxicated....and I have threatened to divorce him because it got to the point where I would look at him and see my father and that would bring me back to a place I didn't ever want to be again. The smell of alcohol disgusts me! So, there has to be a line that needs to be drawn between the two of you...and if you guys can find that middle ground then I think it'll work out. But you have to understand if what he is telling you is really from the heart or a way to control you. Only you know the true answer to that.... If you have to ask this, then you are drinking too much. A person that does not have a problem with alcohol would not even give it a second thought. They would stop drinking. I also grew up in an alcoholic home. I married two alcoholics. i'm a little over half your age, and i drink like at least three times a week. enough to get drunk. i think if you drink a little without telling him, you're okay. a glass of wine or two isn't bad. as long as it's not a daily thing, and you're not getting so drunk that you're puking or making yourself sick, or harming anyone, you're fine. I'm not a doctor so can't judge you..
or no one to judge you..but on personal my life.

I USED to drink EVERY WEEKEND..until one day I HAD GOT to point of being trashed..

and drove like that HOME..I got DUI..and Car accident..My car got towed,,and I was lucky not to have killed myself..or someone else..

I did HURT alot of ppl..along the way.
I have stayed sober..I get my sentence on December 6th..
My lawyer is pleaing guilty..and 6 mths of probation and AA meetings..even if I'm not alchoilc But I have to do that or ELSE GO TO JAIL..and get my license for tempary period for work and ONLY work..

i USED to say I was not a habit drinker..But I had a habit of drinking EVERY weekend..Since..My break up..and death of my grandmother..there is a motive for everything..I suggest you
find out why you drink? Is hard to 22 to turn back time..STOP it before you get sucked in like I did..

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