What is the best brand/ type of beer?!


What is the best brand/ type of beer?

Answers: The one that you most prefer. Seriously though, nobody on yahoo will be able to tell you what your favourite beer is. You just have to sample as many as you can and make the decision yourself.

There is no "best" per se, that is a matter of opinion. That said, the overall opinion of most beer afficionatos is that Westvleteren 12 is the absolute best there is. I would tend to agree. It is a Trappist beer brewed in Belgium by the Saint Sixtus monks. If you can find some you owe it to yourself to try it at least once before you die. corona Newcastle's pretty good. Fat Tire. By far..... THE BEST!!! and.. I see it in grocery stores now. Love it. Miller Lite Budweiser. I like Michelob and Heineken. For a light beer Bud Light is good. dark ale from Canada... Dead Guy Ale from the great state of Oregon. Beer stinks like old bread! Shiner Bock, brewed in Shiner, TX Youngs or London Pride. German or Czech beers are very good too. Definitely not anything made in the USA. CORONA EXTRA I cannot remember who brews it, but it is an orange wheat beer. I tried it at a brewers festival in Oregon. Wonderful!! I love me some Heineken.
but not always do I have the money for it, so I go with budlight! canadian beer is by far the best... try Kokanee if you can get your hands on it Corona withn lime. Guiness. Michelob Lager To me there is nothing like Bud,I have tried Lot's of different types of beer,some I liked, and some I don't, but
I always go back to good old BUD Guinness Extra Stout


Brand: Guinness
Type: Stout

Stuff drinks as smooth as milk and you gotta love the widget in the bottle and can! Steel Reserve or Natural Reserve.... best is a matter of taste...personally I like Miller Lite or Rolling Rock.But I had a beer in a little bar in KC called Wheat Beer that was very good and also...i know I wont spell it right so Ill do it phonically...Lynenkoogle from the Netherlands is an excellent beer Most of the Eastern European countries brew a good "beer" but for and and out strength and taste, "Old Speckled Hen " takes some beating.
For lager type beer, anything German or Czechoslovakian does the trick.
I'm afraid the American brews don't rate much higher than "bearable" budweiser, the king of beer! THE BEAST!!! Ugh, you're joking right? There's like a bajillion different styles. Don't even try to compare a stout with an india pale ale. Totally opposite ends of the spectrum, both are called beer, but they're in no way similar.

That said, the best brand you'll be likely to find is probably Sam Adams, because they have a lot of good beers. Nothing exceptionally great, maybe the Cream Stout or Black Lager are my favorites. But, really, the Octoberfest and Boston Lager are good too. Beats the pants off any Bud/Coors/Miller/Corona.

Best type of beer? If you like hops, try a local India Pale Ale. If you like maltier, darker, thicker beers, try a good stout or porter. If you like maltier, somewhat dark, not thick beers, try a local Brown Ale or Old Ale.

Oh, and if you can find it -- Dogfish Head is a definite reccomend, as would be Russian River.

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