Would tequilla be better for this than vodka? Why?!


Would tequilla be better for this than vodka? Why?

I hate the taste of alcohol, do you think I could absorb it into my body like this instead?

If I were to saturate a super tampon in vodka, and insert it, do you think I would catch a buzz?

Dear God where did we go wrong here??? NO NO NO!!!! Vodka, by and large is primarily flavorless. True aficionados CAN detect the nuances between brands, but for your purpose get a premium bottle and mix it with cranberry juice. Mix just enough to mask the flavor, but still effectively inebriate yourself. Option two is Spiced Rum and Coca-Cola.... when mixed well, it should taste like Vanilla Coke.

My liver and I are now on speaking terms again as I am no longer in my twenties and trying to assasinate him.

I don't think you'll get a buzz that way.


That would be VERY DANGEROUS. Plus it wouldn't work. If you hate the taste of alcohol, find a good bartender. A good bartender can make you a drink that masks the taste so all you taste is juice. Try drinking a Mojito or Sex on the Beach or Cosmopolitan.

vodka makes you dance on the bar

Get some Everclear you pansy.

And Tequila makes you fall down.....

I prefer Tequila Agave Azul

I had a mate who used to inject whisky intravenously, but I wouldn't recommend it. A vodka and water enema should work, but don't make it too strong. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I've found that you can't tell whether a fruit punch contains alcohol by taste unless it's very strong. I guarantee I could pass off a vodka-based fruit punch as non-alcoholic until the effects of the vodka kicked in.


Do you just ask questions to keep your top contributor status?

Alchol is absourb through the lining of the stomache and converted to sugar in the small intestine, vodka has the least taste for me, cover or mask that with juice or soda depending on your taste and you will get a buzz, just don't dring and drive

WOW, get a small water mellon cut a small hole in it fill it with vodka, put it in the fridge for about two days slice in to small cubes and eat all you taste is the watermellon, and you still get a buzz

careful you can kill yourself if you shove booze up your ***, for your intestine absorbs at a faster and greater rate than your stomach. The stomach acids kills a lot of the alcohol so your not really getting much in the intestines where most of the absorption happens.. Putting anything in your ***, IE: drugs.. will **** you up

Quite possibly one of the weirdest questions I have ever heard.... do you like chocolate? If you do, use these ingredients to make an awesome drink that tastes like a chocolate milkshake. Don't take these lightly because they are pretty potent.

Godiva Milkshake

Godiva white chocolate liqueur
Three Olives chocolate vodka
Creme de cacao
Half and Half or Whole Milk

I don't put measurements because you should make it how you like it!!! Believe me, you can't taste the alcohol and it's AWESOME!

You'll catch a yeast infection faster than a buzz, but knock yourself out and tell us how it goes.

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