Who thinks the drinking age should be lowered to 19 for active military?!


Who thinks the drinking age should be lowered to 19 for active military?

Answers: why not 18? you can go get killed at 18 in the military, so why not drink then too? that was the argument during vietnam when they did lower it to 18. Uh, no.

Becca, I noticed you are pretty new here and wonder if you realize that you lose points for asking questions?? You've asked lots of questions, one right after another, about booze. Kinda weird. me, but i think it should be everyone. or maybe some law where anyone in the military can drink under 21 but it has to be on base or something. I think if you are active military, you should be of leagle age. I think it should be lowered to 18 for active military! They're out there risking our lives to protect our freedom and safety, they should be allowed to have a beer if they want one! I think that high age restrictions on drinking is silly. You can hold a gun but not drink... foolish really!

Prohibitive in such a ridiculous way.

I agree, it ought to be lowered to 18. I do not. Kids that age are too young to control themselves for the most part. ha! not doggin on any age, but do you know how immature some of the young troops are?? on my base they have the biggest death toll. adding alcohol will just make it worst. Sure! If you can get killed by a bullet for your country, you should be able to deaden the pain with alcohol. Nope, I don't think so...I'm surprised someone didn't say...well hey you can drive at 16 why not lower it to 16. Too many people don't drink responsibly...even at 21!! I don't even drink, but I find it really interesting that you have to be 21 years old to drink, because at that magic age, you're supposedly mature enough to handle the responsibility.

However, you can vote at 18. What's wrong with this picture?

added - what's up with you ding dongs giving a thumbs down? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I do not think the drinking age should be lowered for active duty military members.
There are a lot of other healthy activities they can be involved in, besides drinking. you can also go to jail for getting a bj, its considered sodomy and against their law

weak right? That would not be fair. It would have to be lowered for all 19 year olds if that were the case. Just be patient, you'll eventually have the chance to damage your liver legally. ABSOLUTELY!

If you are old enough to get killed for your country then you should be able to have freaking beer So glad I live in the UK, it was such a hassle drinking before I was 18, let alone waiting another 3 years!!! not me for sure we have to many drunks as is Umm i personally think that if your in the military you shouldn't drink.

alot of people overseas see stuff that can emotionally cripple them, my dad was one of them he became an alcoholic when he joined the army 22 years ago and died earlier this year of a combination of alcohol and pain killers (the pain killers were prescribed because of an accident the military misdiagnosed) im not saying that everyone is going to be an alcoholic if they join just that its more likely for it to happen and i think most people would appreciate it if their buddies weren't wasted when they were on a mission wouldn't you? I believe that drinking age for military should be 18. If you are old enough to make judgements on the future of the country (voting) and are adult enough to put yourself in harms way, then you are old enough to have a beer. No.It should be 18.And ,if you can vote or be tried in court as an adult,you should be able to drink also. they should be able to drink, be supplied ciggies and be supplied with pure MDMA like the good old days. Anyone who is old enough to decide to die for his country is old enough to decide to drink. Plus, totally unenforceable laws are stupid. Everyone in the military drinks unless they are morally opposed for some reason, and there is no feasible way to get them to stop. Not I. 21 is soon enough cause the long term effects from drinking are so bad.

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