Why do people love to hang out in bars?!


Why do people love to hang out in bars?

I have never understood that myself ! It seems boring to me.

The alcohol!!

oh and the people/atmosphere too...

its just to get a drink and relax with your friends or alone if you're having a bad day...

1) Change of scenery.
2) Intoxication.
3) Pick-up joint.

There's something there that appeals to all age groups.

I am sure there are lots of individual reasons, but the reason I love to hang out in bars is that I like the feeling of being around other people (at times), but I don't have to make conversation with anyone if I don't want to. I often take a book with me and read at the bar. Noone bothers me, and there are times when I like this more than reading at home alone. There is a feeling of "comraderie" without any requirements that you interact - that is the essence for me.

alcohol, friends, girls...hmm, maybe. i dunno! depends.

There are a lot of reasons. Off hand I can think of the following:
a quick drink to unwind after work
looking for sex and willing to settle for drunk
looking to get drunk and willing to settle for sex
bored and too lazy to do anything else
ANY excuse to be some place other than home!!!

because it's alcohol at the bar and so many people to harass.

Some people love to hang out in bars for various reasons. It is either to spend there their idle hours, to meet friends. as a means of recreation, or to drink beer or other brands of their own liking. It's just like some people would like to go to a movie, picnic and parties. It's almost the same reasons. Although some people would like to go to bars to satisfy their drinking habits.

I think it's like the adult version of recess. lol

You can be silly, laugh, meet people, dance if you want, play some pool, shoot darts, or whatever.

It's kind of a place to let loose and mingle ....and lets not forget the alcoholic beverages! lol

go nothing else to do i suppose or they are drunks

I KNOW WHY! because that is where people who are losers go to hang out with other losers. believe me. in the times we live in today, REAL people, as in normal people go to clubs. the rich, the famous, the fun, and the exciting kind of people go to clubs. bars, like the 3 i live by, are hang out joints for long haired 35 year olds who are single and are overweight.....by the way, this is only in america. ive come to learn in europe, especially ireland, that Pubs and bars is an actual culture. in america, its white trash heaven.. don't believe me! go to bogey's on artesia blvd. in redondo beach, CA. meet the loser's who can't get women or friends anywhere else other than bars. pathetic.

if you will look around most people in bars are single. I think its the fact that they don't want to be home alone and the need the social atmosphere. Alcohol is just a plus. If you will notice that knew couples stop coming to the bar but as soon as they start having problems they start coming back.

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