If I ask my husband not to go to the bar on ONLY one day a week?!


If I ask my husband not to go to the bar on ONLY one day a week?

I asked that he not go only 1 day out of 7, so he can go if he chooses 6 days in a row straight but on this one and only day asked him not to go every week because that is the day this woman I believe he is seeing, works there, all the other 6 days I'm TOTALLY cool with!
and he just wont stop going on that day, would you say he is basically asking me to pack my bags and leave his a**!
Cause he cant SEE why I'm a bit upset...
thanks! (and I would love funny answers cause i need a good laugh at this moment, thanks!)

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3 days ago
wow, I dont know how many of you will reread this but you ALL opened my eyes, though the bar closes at 8pm its not a late night thing but you all opened my eyes and THANK YOU!

Answers: 3 days ago
wow, I dont know how many of you will reread this but you ALL opened my eyes, though the bar closes at 8pm its not a late night thing but you all opened my eyes and THANK YOU! He's not worth this worry. Every single man in Y!A who reads your question would be very happy to help you get over your hubby - letting him go 6 nights a week to a bar, and most married guys MAYBE get to go once a year without trouble. Shoot, if I were a guy... Nah. I don't swing both ways. But you've been very understanding. I'd say leave his sorry behind. Some men think they can have their cake and eat it, too. Just think how sorry he's gonna be when all he's got left is the icing on the cake.

He's pretty dim if he can't understand why you're upset. Wouldn't it be nice if you could have a man who loves you enough and respects you enough to come straight home from work? Or drop by the store to bring you flowers "just because"? Every woman deserves to be treated like a Queen. Any man would be lucky to come home to you.

If you have kids, try to find a daddy who comes home and actually wants to have a relationship with you AND your kids. If you don't have kids, WhoooHOOO! Run, run away. He's not worth the trouble to scrape his sorry behind off a bar stool. Leave this loser and live your life. Source(s):
My ex-hubby cheated. He's lucky he's alive. Not that I would do anything. My family was ready to string him up. I'm the only reason he's alive and breathing today. Girlfriend...if you think keeping him from going to the bar on the day she works, will keep him from seeing her...you need to wake up. If he IS seeing her on the side, he's probably in the bar with her on her nights off! If the bar is where he's happiest, I'd take all of his stuff and a pile of divorce papers to him, and let him live there. God, you should be asking that he only go out once a week.
I was in a defacto relationship with a guy who went to the pub nearly every night. It drove me insane!
a) I would stay at home angry and agitated and end up drinking myself to deal with it.. because him getting home drunk would always start a fight and as a result I wouldn't be able to sleep.
b) I thought to myself, does this guy want to be in a relationship or does he want to be a bachelor.
I decided he wasn't mature enough to settle down and ended the relationship.
Your husband should wont to come home to you at night. It is unacceptable... but that is just my opinion. And why are you totally cool with your husband going out 6 days a week? You guys ought to be spending some time together - or things will only get worse... So why not go with him on that one day! Pack your bags and ditch the loser. Obviously there is something going on. You can do sooo much better. Going out once in a while is fine but 6 days a week is a little extreme.....DITCH HIM! WOW, why do want him to go out 6 day/wk? Once a wk is enough. You and him need to sit down and have a SERIOUS talk and if he won't listen then maybe try couples counseling. Then if no better, maybe you sould be think about what is best for you and your future. If a man doesn't stop doing things that you have plainly told him to stop, then he doen's care enought abot you and his relationship. Be wise, he may be thinking of leaving you, don't allow him to leave you first.

take care and be wise Well I'd say he doesn't respect you and the marriage that you guys share. Maybe you should join him at the bar. If you think he is cheating you should leave him.
It would be funny to change the locks while he is out at the bar and leave his stuff in the front yard with a sign that said FREE.
But really talk to him and let him know how you feel and if he is not willing to stop ask him why. Good luck. Why do not you dress yourself up and feel sexy, "invite" your husband going out and have a wonderful date on that particular night. How long you two have not spend time together? If he still want to go to the bar, just go with him or you can ask him to company you to that bar. Then, introduce yourself to her, may be you will feel better to see it by your own eyes. You should making a plan with your husband on that night every week. Or, it is even better, to have a date with him every night. If he can spend money in the bar, he sure can spend money on you and make you two happy. I agree with the first answerer. If she is working, all they can do is some flirting.

If he is there for an hour after work he is like 1000's of other men.
If he is there for hours, then you two have a problem. as a guy i'd say dump his two timin buttt and move on You tell me the one night he's home and I'll be there the other six. Sorry to put it vulgarily (is that even a word?) but he is almost definitely f**king her. Leave him immediately! If he wasn't, he would have no problem staying home that day. Sorry to break it to ya, sweety. Sometimes love blinds us from the obvious. Though I think you already knew this was the answer.

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