Most hilarious drunk moment(s)?!


Most hilarious drunk moment(s)?

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1 month ago
Fair is fair, so I'll share. I've had many, but the most mysterious, yet funny moment in my drunk life was in Orlando. I got so drunk BEFORE hitting the bar (nice, right?) that I don't rmember even being IN the bar except for dancing on this stage (by myself) and having security throw me off and escort me out because I apparently heard "Get off the stage" as "Keep on dancin', you're smokin' HOT!!!"

I woke up the next morning 1) wearing someone else's boxer briefs, 2) with body paint all over my chest, back, arms, and all places south, and 3) with a half eaten pizza under my pillow.

Fun times.

1 month ago
Fair is fair, so I'll share. I've had many, but the most mysterious, yet funny moment in my drunk life was in Orlando. I got so drunk BEFORE hitting the bar (nice, right?) that I don't rmember even being IN the bar except for dancing on this stage (by myself) and having security throw me off and escort me out because I apparently heard "Get off the stage" as "Keep on dancin', you're smokin' HOT!!!"

I woke up the next morning 1) wearing someone else's boxer briefs, 2) with body paint all over my chest, back, arms, and all places south, and 3) with a half eaten pizza under my pillow.

Fun times.

While singing karaoke my skirt fell off.

I passed out in the front yard and woke up to a dog peeing on me.

I went to the wrong house and couldn't figure out why my key wouldn't work.

I got lost going home (I live 3 blocks from where I was drinking at)

I crawled behind the toilet and wouldn't come out.

I peed on the floor of the convenience store because they wouldn't let me use their washroom.

I ran into a pimp (literally) and told him I liked his alligator shoes.

I fell while dancing and knocked 3 people down w/me.

There are a ton.. Can you tell I drink alot?

I once broker my arm doing an Ultimate Warrior impression while running down a bar in '91. Gravity got in the way, snap and that was that.

not mine
but a friend of mine at her birthday, i got her something from american eagle, and she said i love american idol.
clearly drunk.

I was watching a Robert Smigel cartoon on SNL with Big Rack Einstein. I ran up to lick some genius boob and ran smack into the wall, right on my front tooth. The weekend before, I got out the Gold Bond Medicated powder and sprayed it all over the bathroom. My husband was pissed!

Back in college about 20 years ago, I got into a drinking game with my dorm mate and we slammed tequila (which I'd never done before). We killed an entire big bottle in like 3 hours.

Then we decided to go "streaking" down the women's hallway (one floor up) yelling "Don't look, Ethel!" about every 5 seconds. (The line was from the old Ray Stevens song "The Streak.")

We ended up back in our rooms and I lay down on the bed, totally naked and sick as a dog. I ended up throwing up on the floor because I couldn't make it to the sink. To make matters worse, I fell out of bed and into my own sick. My roommate was on his side of the room laughing his *** off at me.

I'll never forget the hangover the next day. Worst in my life.

Those were the days. ;-)

We were camping and I was one of the only people drinking and I was getting bored so I rubbed glow stick juice all over myself and ran into a lake. Oh and I ran through 2 people doin it on the dock.

Long time ago...dollar shots of Jager...yeah...anyway, had to pee, my man stopped in an alley so I could go there. I was having trouble balancing so I leaned against a telephone pole as I squatted and leaned against it again when I stood up. Woke up the next day with very sore at my rear end in the mirror and saw probably about 100 spinters in my butt. My man spent 3 hours with tweezers trying to get them all out. We had only been together for about a month...ahhhh true love and alcohol :)

Up north Wisconsin, lol........the bar was closing. I went out to the parking lot with a friend. Then realized I had to pee BAD! I went around to the side of the car where no one could see me and pulled my pants down and pee'd. Then I looked up and realized I was facing the road and about 10 snowmobilers were standing there watching me pee.

Another time I was in a bar with a big group of friends. One of my friends husbands and I always joked around holding hands and stupid stuff like that. Well he was sitting next to me, so I thought, and I put my hand on his knee. I was expecting him to put his arm around me and make a big silly scene like we often did. Well he didn't move or say anything so I turned to him to ask him if he was enjoying it or what and when I turned I didn't know the guy whose knee my hand was on.

I am good at picking pockets. Not a talent I use often, but I do for my friends wallets to buy rounds :))) I picked the pocket of my friend for his wallet and when I went to pay for rounds I realized the wallet was that of someone I didn't know. I picked a strangers pocket. I returned his wallet and money :-P

I was chatting it up with a group of guys and girls I had just met in this bar. As they sat and I stood next to their table. One girl asked if I wanted to sit down, so I sat on the lap of the guy next to her (I didn't know him). He laughed and we joked and I said to the girl who asked me to sit, 'good thing he isn't your husband'. She said, 'he is'. She was a good sport about it.

My friends and I decided to go to a big club and it was ladies night (drink Free all Night), well a couple of guys bought us a tray full of shooters (like 50 shooters on one tray), at the end of the night we were leaving and we had to walk to the 2nd level of the club to leave, my friend had toilet paper on her shoe, I went to step on it and fell down the flight of stairs in front of everyone.

Ok...Well what had happened was...First of all I was at a joint party for a friends birthday and a going away party... I started the night doing shots of vodka and shots of redbull!!! So that's when my memory dissappears. All I know is that I peed on a lawn 2 doors down from the house we were at. I hugged a tree and was rubbing my face with leaves sayin it felt like as I was going up the front stairs I lost my drink footing and hit my head on the railing and was carried upstairs to sleep....CRAZY NIGHT!!! SHHHHHHHHHH!!!

A friend told me there was pizza under this tiny low coffee table so I crawled under and was too drunk to get back up, so my friends poured alcohol into a bowl so I could keep drinking without moving my arms. Good friends :)

I ate a couple of daffodils once, I had a bad cold so couldn't taste anything, and was too drunk to realise they were real not sugar flowers. Eww, never again.

Once won some money in the lotto so went out drinking with two friends, the two batenders were our friends so we got doubles all night... vague notions of climbing up a fountain in town while throwing chips to my friends below who ate them in mid-air.

Once got very drunk off only three shots due to antibiotics (had totally forgotten I was on them) and ended up getting sick into my rubbish bin which is plastic and easily cleaned. Sadly it wasn't my bin at all, it was my recycling bin, which is made of wicker and has holes in it. Quite disgusting to clean up the next day, turned me off drink for weeks.

Well I was 25 and I was at a bar drinking and I think I had at least 12 shots and 6 beers or something like that. Well hears the story

I was drinking with a bunch of friends when I said I will be right back and I said I am going to go take a pee and be back. Well instead of me going to the bathroom I went up to the lady and said do you want to dance she said sure. So we get up and dance. Well I am so drunk I am stumbling around and almost falling over. Well then I said I will be right back so I went to the DJ and said play a good dancing song so he did he played Straight Up by Paula Abdul and I remember saying to me self oh my what was he thinking ! So when I get back to the lady we start dancing and she said let me buy you a drink I said OK so when we go sit at the bar the bartender asks what can I get you and I say a mixed drink she said just a beer well when the bartender sits the wine for my drink I take the wine bottle and go up by the DJ and start singing and I remember falling over that's how drunk I was.
Well listen to this me and Tiffany are now married for 4 years and we have one son and we are having another baby which is a boy.

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