Why do people drink alchol?!


Why do people drink alchol?

Don't you know what it does to you? How bad it is, even in small amounts? There are other ways to get the high or whatever it is, drink rootbeer, milk, water, carbonated juices like sparkling etc.

Because we're stupid.

It is good for you in small amounts.

its taste good
*spelling error intentional*

some drink to party some drink to forget and some drink just because they cant stop. me tend to drink to forget even if only for a little while.

Cause it makes them happy

I'm a social drinker who drinks occasionally. And when I do, I have a very good time. And, I don't drive when I drink, at all, period.

You obviously have not tried it or have any idea of what you are talking about...especially when you say "There are other ways to get the high or whatever it is, drink rootbeer, milk, water, carbonated juices like sparkling etc"...that makes no sense to me at all...and it isn't as bad as you think it is. Don't listen to everything you hear from baptists...

It really does make people less inhibited and more sociable which promotes all-round enjoyment.

Binge drinking is a totally different story.

how old are you? drinking rootbeer or milk does NOT have the same effects of alcohol. who told you that? you are also probably too young to understand that drinking a glass of wine everyday is good for you.

People drink cause they're insecure...they see their friends drinking and get'n high and they think that's what they need to do to fit in...it's just their way to not be left out.

1. cause they are addicts
2 cause they hang out with addicts
3 cause they were addicts.

Drinking red wine is good for you in moderation. That is a fact. You cannot get high on rootbeer, milk, water or sparkling juices. What are you talking about? Forget about the drinking bc their friends are. I don't overdo it, but I like it when I am alone sometimes better than when I am with people.

I do because I feel like it,I also use other methods of getting high...Life is short,Why die healthy?!;)

'cos it's fun! Like all good things though, it would just have to be bad for you. I should ask that as a Yahoo! question sometime, "Why is the stuff we actually like, bad for us?"...

A much more interesting question is "Why do people who don't drink feel they hold a moral highground over even those of us who only have the odd drink?"

Moderate amounts aren't bad, they're actually good for your health. Getting drunk isn't always the goal. Sometimes I drink to relax, sometimes I drink because it's tasty, sometimes I drink to try out new flavors. I'm 21 and legal, so I don't think there's anything wrong with any of those reasons.

Tons of people drink. Alcohol is a huge part of society. It's not something to necessarily condemn or fear and it's also nothing you have to participate in. If you want to get high by drinking root beer, more power to you. But polarizing all who drink is a narrow way of thinking and will probably affect you more negatively than one beer would. Just a thought.

How old are you? Have you ever had a drink? Have you ever studied drinking? Have you ever been to a party where everyone was drunk?

I drink alcohol because I love it. I love being drunk, I love the social interaction, and I love the taste. Alcohol is small amounts is NOT bad for you, but then again I don't really care what it does to my body, I love having fun.

I am a bartender, so my life REVOLVES around the sale and consumption of alcohol. I want to own my own bar someday, so I don't think I will ever stop loving alcohol.

Please go research a little bit before you actually think you will get a high from drinking carbonated juices....

Moderate drinking isn't bad for you, in fact a drink a day can be very healthy. In some cases two drinks, but when you start getting into three or more then it negates any healthy benefits you get from drinking.

Take red wine for example, 1-2 glasses a day is good for your heart. Again, if you drink too much you're working against the benefits you get from those drinks.

Take beer as another example. Not only do beers like porters and stouts have a lot of nutrition in them, there are again health benefits to drinking them. In fact stouts and porters help in the development of red blood cells.

And as to why people drink? Well, I guess that's a personal choice now isn't it? I take a glass of wine every night with dinner, the occasional beer after work and sometimes even a liqueuer. I however don't drink to excess.

I will also add that at 39, as my doctor puts it, I'm disgustingly healthy. So seriously, unless you abuse alcohol and just drink to get drunk, there's no problem with it.

Most people drink it for the buzz

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