Why, if super strength lager (9%) is sold in packs of four and given that 1 can is the safe limit 4 a male?!


Why, if super strength lager (9%) is sold in packs of four and given that 1 can is the safe limit 4 a male?

do they bother to say "Please drink responsibly" on the can? OK I understand it's easier to transport them like that and yes I know it's sensible to do so, so why not ban the poisonous stuff as I for one have got to a very bad point in my life due to it(as have many other people) so is it time we dealt with the evil that is strong lager?

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20 hours ago
Darkfaery: good point, there's a shop nere me selling Carlsberg Specialbrew 20p cheaper than the promotional price on the can, it's madness

19 hours ago
gib: I was stoned(on grass) for most of the late 80's 90's, gave that up, had a few good years then replaced the buzz with drink, I'm not proud and am seriously scared for my life as I've had heart surgery!

Answers: 20 hours ago
Darkfaery: good point, there's a shop nere me selling Carlsberg Specialbrew 20p cheaper than the promotional price on the can, it's madness19 hours ago
gib: I was stoned(on grass) for most of the late 80's 90's, gave that up, had a few good years then replaced the buzz with drink, I'm not proud and am seriously scared for my life as I've had heart surgery! yep i agree elric. the supermarkets get you everytime example : 3 bottles of wine for a tenner
2 boxes of beer for 16 quid or 3 for 24
buy two get third free

the government are always banging on about smoking , but they overlook,the drink problem we have in the uk.,don't get me wrong as you know i like a glass or three of wine of an evening , but its hard to resist temptation when the booze in the shops is so cheap Source(s):
as i sit here nursing a hangover lmfao xx You don't have to drink them all at once. I blame the strong beers and alchopops for the problems we have with drunkeness in towns and cities. Before, when it was normal strength beers and lager, you couldn't get quite as bad because you couldn't drink the huge quantities you'd need to, for the same alcohol intake as you get now with a few bottles of vodka p***. the trouble is that booze is so cheap and no-one is tought how to drink responsibly, you are taught about drugs and sex in school so why not alcohol??? Because if they don't put something like that on it stupid people will abuse the legal system and sue them. It's like putting the "Warning: Hot Liquid!" on the side of coffee. It should say something like, "Warning: Will get you drunk and make you act stupid and make bad decisions like going how and sleeping with the fat one when really you wanted to hook up with her much prettier friend!" Tell me about it, that JUICE is 9.9, and for the cheap price of 2.59 or 1.99 for a while you get all the Taurine and energy stuff to boot with you alcohol! Yep the alcoholic in me got me to put a chair through a 7th floor casino window, well after 5 of those drinks, and spend 4 day in Jail !!! Stupid me, anyways haven't drank since , but the answer is 1 of those drinks if it is a 12 oz beer, would be worth 2 drinks, since beer is typical 4-5 percent and that is what the charts are created at the DMV use. Oh those JUICES are also 24 oz, so its like chugging 4 beers. Life just full of hypocritical things like this the government tell us our limits yet they don't address how this is suppose to be implemented. But good on yer for not buying them tonight!! You don't have to drink them all at once! 25 units of alchol in a week is the advised limit for a male and so that brings you up to 20 units for your four cans of super strength lager so you can have 2 pints of Carling and that's it for your week! Yes, it's messed up but if your buying Tennants or Special Brew or Kestrel then you've got some problem in your life, not the availability of crap beer. You could be drinking Leffe or other nice strong Belgian beers which are like a fine wine and not trying to obliterate yourself and enjoy the taste not take away the taste of your reality with sugary rank cans. I'm a fine one to talk as I've done 5 bottles of strong English ale (each one a fantastic taste and special beer) so I can have a couple of trash beers or some trash to keep within the limit advised by the government or party up and keep swinging it out but I have never taken a day off work through drink or anything else and I still think life sucks since I gave up dope over a year ago and God spat in my face but as Henry Rollins said " I may be f%*ed up but I'm not as f***ed up as you". Life in moderation, everything else as long as it doesn't control you. Enjoy....it's soon over...Have you done and experienced enough to reflect on with a smile when you're 90? ...I'm just revving up...Are you ready? because is about making, money and i guest they figure most people can control they drinking habits, and they don't take in consideraction others that are trying to quit or cut down, just don't buy those strong beer they have to many high porcent of alcohol and they can sure mess you up, so just drink in a small amount or in modulation, you can do it just be a smart thinker and you willl be alright, try some wine insted they are not that, strong.;;; take care elric be bless! i hate this nanny state thing of telling everybody what to do.
ever since they said eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day i now only eat 4 cos I'm a rebel oh yeah!!! lol
i think rage against the machine said it best "f-ck you i wont do what you tell me"

take responsibility for your own life stop wanting the government to do it for you. Hi Elric. I think you need to go on a cardiac rehab programme. That is ...exercise. You can get a good buzz from this & get fitter & it will enhance your mood (good) & help you to eat & sleep better. Ask your practice nurse to prescribe it for you. It will be free I think. Good Luck X

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