Do you think its bad for underaged children to drink alcohol on occasions with parents consent?!


Do you think its bad for underaged children to drink alcohol on occasions with parents consent?

ok..thnks for answerin my last alcohol what about this 1?

Answers: Despite what some people seem to be saying or inferring here, it is perfectly legal for someone under 21 to drink alcohol in the US as long as it is under parental supervision.

I think it is OK in moderation and under supervision. Like others said, it takes away the novelty and "forbidden fruit" aspect to it and makes it much less likely that they will abuse alcohol when they are older. no, as long as they drink it in moderation and not excessively. a couple hundred years ago, we had babies drinking alcohol, and wine was our soda/coffee/water. If the parents give their ok and the kid is in a safe supervised area, it's ok with me. Yeah, its bad.
Ask any alcoholic....
The younger a person drinks the more likely they are to become one.... why promote that No. May actually be good. Makes it less of a forbidden fruit. My guess is that it would make abuse less likely. I'm not a prarent so I dont know if i really have the right to answer this, however I am a son and at one time was an underage son. I think it's okay. My mom would let me have a few drinks as long as I was staying in. Nothing in excess. But really it should be up to the parent. This being said, they probably shouldn't be allowing all the friends to drink if they dont have the parents okay. But, my mom did occasionally. no. my parents let me drink from quite a young age at family functions... tho i have developed slight alcohol dependancy issues... I don't see anything wrong with it as long as its in moderation.

Hell I remember when I was a kid drinking my dads beer but he would only let me have a sip... I would end up getting a big gulp when he would leave the room. No, I do not. They do it all the time in Europe, & you don't see their kids going buck wild with alcohol. Because it loses its novelty. Once it's not forbidden it's not as interesting. However, as a teen is still developing I would say only on special occasions & maybe slightly diluted Of course it is bad.The law is you can't drink till you are 21.You could get drunk and drinking alcohol can make you fat.I think underage drinking is not being responsible.Don't try until you are 21 or older.I hope you make wise decision's.Take care i think giving an under aged kid alcohol is the same as telling them "its ok to do stuff like this even when iam not there i trust you"because the next time they are around someone else that offers the alcohol they will think " its ok with mom and dad i'll have some now" When I was a kid, I would get a small glass of wine like everyone else at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. I never worried about drinking or not drinking as I grew up. These days I often have one glass of wine in the evening, but I don't drink much. I've never been one to drink to excess in my 35 years, and drinking a little as a child didn't make me turn out badly. At the same time, underaged children drinking to excess isn't something I support. It's a whole lot better for them to drink while supervised than go on a bender behind their parents' backs, now isn't it? I am a single dad.55 years old drink too much, smoke a pipe and have been known to enjoy the odd spliff on occasion as well as some other noxious substances. My daughter is 11 and will probably want to try most of this stuff in the next few years. I think it is far better that she try them with someone who knows about the upsides and downsides of the stuff rather than learning about it "round the back of the school bike sheds" as I did. You have to use your own judgement. You and your partner are responsible for your children, not the government and some arbitrary law. Most children willfind their own way with a little bit of guidance. Saying "No" when they are 17 years 364 days and OK a day later is stupid. As far as children are concerned, parents should be in control, not governments and laws. certainly not i had my 1st drink at the age of 8 and started proper drinking at 14, i am now over 40 in perfect health and mind. It may be illegal in many areas if that's you concern. In New Jersey, USA it happens to be legal (believe it or not).

As far as morals, ethics, et cetera, I feel it's a responsible parents call just as it should be. The same goes for fast food, other junk food, too much TV, lack of physical activity... wots wrong with a glass o' wine with a meal? awwwwwwwwwwww yea my god what kind of ? is that kids shouldnt eevn be drinking before they turn 21. In France, kids are introduced to wine with food at the age of 11 or so. This is done with extreme moderation. It actually STOPS the binge drinking habit from forming; as they 'learn' how to enjoy a small drink with food as fun, not to rebel with it.

That is totally different from chav parents finding it funny to let their 11 year olds get tanked on breezers. That is just neglegent.

BTW- I'm answering from a UK point of view. Even us binge-drinking brits have less Alcoholics than the US, with their wonderful prohibition hangovers and misunderstanding of what starts drink problems. In the UK out therapy is different, too - and it tends to work for longer. This is down to sensible parenting.
I can see nothing wrong with allowing your child a small glass of diluted wine from a young age.
Both of my children were allowed this from being old enough to sit at the table with us.
29 and 31 now and neither of them are bothered about alcohol, it could be down to the fact that there was no mystery to alcohol and turning 18 was not an excuse to go to the pub and get drunk.
In France and in other parts of the continent it is a part of everyday life. Only in very special occasions and with 1 glass as a limit and if they're over 12 at least. We allowed our son to have the odd glass (watered down) of wine with us at dinner, i don't think it causes any problems.
If anything i think it possibly helped him not to be one of the louts hanging around on street corners getting drunk at a young age because it was never hidden from him? I think children should be encouraged to drink small amounts when with their parents, e.g. wine with dinner, so they grow up to learn about drink. It then isn't some big mystery or something to do with your mates in secret because you're not allowed to do it anywhere else. underage is underage

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