How to keep an Alcoholic from buying Alcohol?!


How to keep an Alcoholic from buying Alcohol?

Trying to keep an alcoholic family memeber from it. She will be going to rehab soon. However when she gets out. How can I keep the local stores from selling it to her. Do I go to all the sotres in a ten mile radius. Asking them not to sell to her. Or are they just gonna laugh at me. What do I do?

there is nothing you can do except to watch the person 24x7 until they go to rehab..

You can't. Thats the whole point of rehab. She needs to be in control of herself, not you. You can't stop her from drinkign that way, she could drink mouthwash if she wants to get drunk, theres no stopping her, she has to stop herself.

Gee, I'm not sure, maybe cut off her hands?

Take away their money

Don't give her any money.............if she is really alcoholic you can't stop her, she will find a way...I am in recovery so I feel ya...hopefully she will reach a point of hopelessness...then she might get and stay of luck

take all her money
they will laugh at you
when she does buy it take it pour some out refilling it with water and each time its bought do the same only dump alil more each time till she realizes it just water.

I dunno luck to ya

you can't.

Move to a dry county.

Well if you are worrying about this for post rehab, it doesn't speak much about your faith in rehab does it?

Unfortunately there's' not much you can do besides make sure there's none available in the house and designate someone else to do the shopping perhaps??

You need to go to AlAnon. When your family member gets into rehab, most likely you'll be asked to participate in some family counseling for her. There you'll be able to understand that you have to allow her to be responsible for her own recovery and that you can't make her stop drinking simply because you're asking people to not give her alcohol. I suggest that you educate yourself about alcoholism and co-dependency and get some help!

stick with her wher ever she goes or havea someone stay with her at all times and make her understand that shes ruining her life and can end up with no family.

they'll laugh at you. they make most of their money from the drunks. casual drinkers dont drink enough. to be honest with you bud, if she wants to drink, you cant stop her. she has to want to quite before she can. but, you could start by not giving her car keys, then she'll have to walk to get her booze and she might get picked up for public drunk on the way home.

unfortunately, you can't control that person, only he/she can do it and to drink or not to drink is her/his choice.

nothings going to happen until that person admits that they have a problem sorry to say you can approach the stores but she'll be able to get it trust me

Your motives are pure, but unrealistic. you can't prevent anyone from buying anything they want. This is America and your family memeber is free to buy what ever she wants. I would hope that once she comes out of rehab, she will be ready to dry out and stay on the wagon.

Rather than contact all the stores, find her a good AA group. Also find a good Al- Anon group for yourself and the other family members that are committed to her recovery. If you all start attending Al-Anon meetings now while she is in rehab, you will be better prepared to form a solid support for her when she comes out and needs you.

Good luck to you.

If it is her choice to go to the rehab, then SHE is willing to stop.
Just hope that it is what she really wants and not what everyone else wants for her.
best for you all...

You cant help her-she has to be willing to take responsibility for her own actions. The stores are not going to refuse to sell to her, and trust me, NOTHING gets between an alcoholic and their booze. She will find a way to get it if she is determined enough, and she likely has some stashed around her house anyway. Just be supportive of her, and let her know you really will be there for her, day or night, until she gets a handle on it. If she hasnt resolved herself to treatment, then rehab will be a waste of time. Good luck

Yes they will laugh at you and they should. You can not control another person. You can help by giving them emotional support. Join ALON for more help in helping.

You can't do that. And it probably wouldn't help, even if you could. Just try to keep her alive long enough to get to rehab. If she walks in drunk, she won't be the first!

Oh, and please go to Al-Anon.

Love her, hold her, reassure her that she is so very very special. Help re-build her self esteem and treat her with respect and trust. Believe in her inner strength, and never under mind her own ability to stay away from alcohol. If at any stage after all this, she decides to drink, then remember- there was nothing you could have done to stop her.

Good God. If she's got someone as controling as you are in her life - no WONDER she drinks excessively. I'm suprised she isn't also a heroin addict. The question is not how to protect her from alcohol - who's going to protect her from you?

I know that sounds mean. But I suggest you get to Al-Anon. There you will learn how to properly deal with an alcoholic. Not here.


Danny S

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