I want to clean my body from from alcohol?!


I want to clean my body from from alcohol?

I drank a lot of alcohol last 2 days ... Im not a heavy drinker i rarely do ... but when i drink i get so tierd stomach ache (severe pain ) and it stayes for 2 days sometimes .
so my Q? is ..
1- How to get rid from this feeling?

If you have a hangover, it should pass in 24 hours or so--just sleep as much as possible and drink water and gatorade.
If its more of a stomach thing--cramping, pain, minimal vomiting and or diarrhea, it might be gastritis that was just aggravated by alcohol. Do you usually have a sensitive stomach or ulcers? In any case the main danger is hypovolemia and dehydration---if you can keep water down you'll be fine but if you continuously vomit and/or notice coffee-ground colored clumps in your vomit, you might want to go to an ER.

Alcohol dehydrates you so drink a ton of water.

Eat a lot of Mexican Food, then take a shower.

drink plenty of water.

Just increase your water intake but don't drink it all at once. Believe it or not there is such a thing as water toxicity.

Water and pepto bismol are great also sleep a lot and call in sick to work

also greasy food help me personally

stop drinking booze.

Drink as much water as you can. Water with lemon in it will help, as the lemon will act as diuretic, and help pass more water.

drink healthy anti-oxidant juices, like blueberry or pomegranate for a day or so

Do not get likkered up again.

Vodka will clean it out.

Honestly, when I'm that hungover and feel that sick to my stomach I take Pepto Bismol. For some reason, it always makes me throw up within 5 minutes and then I feel a lot better afterwards.

vitamin B12

Milk Thistle is supposed to be a powerful herbal liver detoxifyer. It's available at most stores. Lack of B vitamins make you lethargic so take a multi-vitamin and of course drink fluids. Plus there is some great information on hangovers on Wikipedia.

i know its goin to sound wierd but eat eggs. you probably dont feel like eating but anything with eggs and also drink plenty of water. but not too many eggs like 2 or 3 no more than that. it also helps with hang overs as well

try this:

when you wake up drink a Tylenol and try not to drink a lot of water, i know you will be thirsty, but i don't help.
do some type of exercise and you will sweat it off.

Aside from dehydration, the stuff that makes you feel like you're dying is the high levels of acetaldehyde in your body. Acetaldehyde is a metabolite of alcohol, meaning that your body (specifically your liver) converts the alcohol to that form. You might think that sounds familiar, and in fact it is only one carbon different from formaldehyde, which you may know is used as a preservative of dead animals. Acetaldehyde can be handled by your body, but it takes a long time, and meanwhile it wreaks havoc on your body.
One way to get rid of the acetaldehyde is to eat foods like steak and eggs that contain cysteine, which is one of the amino acids. Cysteine is a good chelator, which means that it will surround heavy metals and help you excrete them. It will also attach to acetaldehyde and help you excrete that, making it easier for your body to recover.

Kombucha or detox tea. Lots and lots of water. Natural food. Light exercise to cleanse yourself out.

or hardees. Hardees is the best hangover food ever, but if it's lasting two days, I'm saying go to the first method.

drink a lot of fluids water milk is good to

I know when you detox in a facilitiy you are given honey mixed with orange juice. The honey does not have to be digested as it is absorbed straight through the walls of the stomach. Also, it is a sleep inducement . I know, the hangovers are worst than they used to be--lol--

Waffle House, followed by a bourban and Coke. Otherwise known as "hair of the dog"

Stop drinking, and your body will cleanse itself.

The only cure for a "hangover" is either time...or a 44 magnum

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